Harper’s Bazaar Italia December 2024 : Anja Rubik by Willy Vanderperre

I love Rubik cover however I hate this st Laurent collection and shots are very lazy but Penelope is even worser anyways.
I like the cover but at the same time she looks scary. lol Editorial has far better photos.
I appreciate that they at least tried to be festive for December with the white, red and green (if you zoom in you'll notice a single emerald fingernail) on Penelope's cover, although it's a bit scary, giving Nightmare Before Christmas more than anything perhaps
why did they pick that scary pic for cover lol
I don’t mind Anja’s even if it’s again a sort of type-cast situation.

Terne’s cover is good and I like the boldness of it but how impressive of Vanderperre to made Tom Ford look like Prada…

Willy Vanderperre
Styling: Paul Sinclaire
Hair: Louis Gewhy
Make-up: Lynsey Alexander
Models: Anja Rubik & Anthony Vaccarello

Harper's Bazaar Italia Digital Edition

Willy Vanderperre
Styling: Paul Sinclaire
Hair: Louis Gewhy
Make-up: Lynsey Alexander
Models: Penelope Ternes & Anja Rubik

Harper's Bazaar Italia Digital Edition
Umit Savaci
Styling: Maria Giulia Riva
Hair: Lorenzo Barcella
Make-up: Elena Bettanello
Model: Tida Rosvall

Harper's Bazaar Italia Digital Edition
Ola Rindal
Styling: Sissy Vian
Hair: Akemi Kishida
Make-up: Karin Westerlund
Model: Anouk Smits

Harper's Bazaar Italia Digital Edition
Vanina Sorrenti
Styling: Sissy Vian
Hair: Laurence Walker
Make-up: Mayumi Oda
Model: Ava Shipp

Harper's Bazaar Italia Digital Edition
There are five editorials and what shocks me most is that if we mixed them all together we wouldn't know which one is which because they are all practically identical - white background with color image, white background with black and white image, pose in some genetic facade, the same poses... shocking
This is the inside cover..
I love it. I love Anja.
I actually like the oddity of the cover pose, it's unexpected.

My sentiments exactly. The covers of Harper's Bazaar Italia had become so stale, that the sight of this is much-welcomed. It feels different for the magazine, and it just so happens that it's working. The use of the gold masthead with the black and white feels very celebratory and festive. Plus, I will never tire over the sight of Anja Rubik (not to mention wearing Saint Laurent).
My sentiments exactly. The covers of Harper's Bazaar Italia had become so stale, that the sight of this is much-welcomed. It feels different for the magazine, and it just so happens that it's working. The use of the gold masthead with the black and white feels very celebratory and festive. Plus, I will never tire over the sight of Anja Rubik (not to mention wearing Saint Laurent).
Yes! the only thing weird from an editor pov is that i understand they shoot all the same day...so there was no point to include Anja in the other story and/or to share similiar lightings for both stories...i would have kept Anja for SL story and made it longer with the grey background and shoot the rest with Penelope on the white background...There is something wrong on how they managed it...

Both Sissy Vian's stories are unnecessary...it lowered the level of the magazine...i

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