Heji Shin - Photographer


a dim capacity for wings
Oct 26, 2004
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i couldn't find too much about heji shin on the net, only that she was born in 1976, studied in hamburg and works in documentary photography as well as in portraits. i really hope we will hear/ see more of her work in the future, i love how she works with contrasts and light and how she is able to create a very private atmosphere. i scanned an editorial from german 'achtung' magazine that i find enormously beautiful in it's quietness and depiction of the people in the wood, almost little red riding hood...

she does have a site but there isn't anything up yet, only contact: www.hejishin.com

this is her and the only work i found online:


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'achtung' n°1, "um ein haar zu schön", rochas fall/winter 03/04
(fashion editor kirsten herrmann)

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^sorry, this is awful, all those double-pages were so hard to scan:ninja:
love those pics, anna. i agree about the 'private' feeling, it was my first thought when i opened the thread.
Thanks for scanning anna - judging from those photos I want to say she's one of my favorites of recent exposure. Maybe I just like that they are dark and moody :smile:lol:smile:, but I also think she is quite successful at creating that 'private atmosphere' (as you said) without detaching herself from her subject matter - it's a feat...:D
your welcome both! (ahh, i always attract the best people):lol:

stupid, i haven't read 'achtung' since the first issue, maybe she contributed more to them... i think i'll subscribe to it, it's only bi-annual and i tend to forget it otherwise...
o...:heart: these b+w photos are so evocative for me...they remind me of times spent at my grandmother's summer house and somehow of shelley's poem "the sensitive plant," too.

please post more...
someone who works for elle gave me the new german elle-girl issue and i was surprised to find a heji shin editorial... considering the magazine it's in, it's not bad after all ... i wish her better opportunities, though.
for the private ? public issue of sleek magazine

from www.stern.de


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When I look at these photos, I feel as if she's let me in on a little secret.. that feeling of privacy is really strong. Thanks so much for scanning these :heart:
^yes, it's almost uncanny how she's able to create that atmosphere even in commercial photography ... it even was in the elle girl spread i mentioned^_^
i'd love it if you could find some more information/work, berlinrocks ... i haven't been very successful myself, but i did not forget about her!
thanks for the bump!

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