Help me Find Info re: Employment/Work/Jobs/Internships In The Fashion Industry

Visual Merchandising internships in London... Help!

Hi all, I'm a first year visual merchandising student and am looking for internships at either high street fashion, department or designer stores but having the worst of luck getting people back to me! Does anyone have any contacts or tips to help me? I've tried places like Anthropologie and Harvey Nichols, but so far, nada. It doesn't really help they don't have a number you can call to chase up your email... :(

I'd appreciate any help I can get! Thanks in advance. :)
I suggest that you treat this as you would if you were searching for work ... and use a job hunting technique ... research. Call their head office to get the information you need and to find out who you need to speak to. Ask questions such as: Do you have an internship program? May I get a name and number of the person who I can speak to about it? Do you have a visual marketing department? May I have their number please?

Get department names, numbers, department head names, their numbers, mailing addresses ... any other information you can dig up about what they offer and who makes the decisions. Then call the applicable department and ask for more information ....

Emails are very easy to ignore ... especially if you've sent it to the wrong person or if it's in response to some sort of listing where it gets lost among hundreds of other applications. At least if you get a name of someone who actually does the selection of interns, you can snail mail a resume too, in addition to sending an email. Then you do a follow up call a few days later to see if they received it. It shows initiative and drive ... which should impress management. It could possibly make you stand out among all the others.

To ask here about contact information go to this thread and post the particular companies that you are interested in: I need Contact Info for Publicists / Designers / Showrooms / Magazines / Stores / etc
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Hi Bette, thanks so much for your reply! Really appreciate it. :) I'll check out that thread you've linked to as well!

I've tried that tactic with Selfridges, but the woman I was connected to was too reluctant to transfer me to the right dept, so she gave me another generic email address instead. :P I'll definitely try again, persistence is always the key, me thinks... :)
Job postings for Hermes?

Does anybody know how to find out about job listings for Hermes? Since they are a very high luxury brand I would assume it's very word of mouth and/or they post things directly within the company, but do us outsiders have a shot at all?
If noone responded, I would suggest you to directly contact Hermes HR !
If you live in France that would be easier, I suppose ...

One of my friend works overthere ... He was an outsider ... If you really want something, you'll get it !
If noone responded, I would suggest you to directly contact Hermes HR !
If you live in France that would be easier, I suppose ...

One of my friend works overthere ... He was an outsider ... If you really want something, you'll get it !

How do I contact Hermes HR? I mean, they don't exactly have an HR contact listing on their website lol
Thank you Bette for all your tips!! I´m going to read them all carefully.

Just for the record, in my case I´ll pay for all the visa costs of my program and I have IA&A's helping me with the visa, they are the sponsors.

Anyways it has been really hard to get a paid job. specially after the economic crises... but everything is posisble isnt it. I´ll keep trying... Just need enough money to survive in NY, not much

TIP: if you are are not american and wants a job experience program in arts or design, you can try them:
Opinions on Magazine Internships.

I'm thinking of applying for a few fashion magazine internships for next summer in the UK. Has anyone here ever worked for a fashion magazine before and whats the best magazine to recommend to me. I know theres Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire etc but they all have different ways of dealing with internships I've heard. If anyone could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated. (Sorry if I didnt post in the right thread. I couldnt find one)

Thanks. :)
I would suggest the first question you should ask yourself is have you done any sort of magzine/newspaper work before, besides writing for your school/uni magazine? Because if not, your chances for actually getting a fashion magazine internship straight off is slim. That's not to say you shouldn't try anyway, but maybe it's better to intern in a local newspaper or a smaller magazine first. Big fashion mags nearly always ask for previous experience, so the more experience you've got, the better, even if it's for a magazine that's totally unrelated to fashion.

Also, the younger, teenage fashion magazines are generally the best ones to start with because they're usually more flexible on lack of experience.

I hope this helps at least a little.
Oh yeah, and the best way to send in a query for an internship for all of the fashion magazines is to send an e-mail/letter to the right department with both a convincing cover letter stting why you want to work there, why you'd be good for it etc, and also a CV listing all the usual stuff on it like qualifications etc.
Fashion Designers Agencies. Anybody knows about it?

Hello, my name is Omar and I'm 22 years old.
I graduated last year at IED in Milan and now I'm doing an intership in London where I'm living.
My contract will finish in September and after this, I'm really looking for a joob.
From friends and people I know I've heard there are lots of agencies where you can apply sending your CV and portfolio and they gonna help you through a job search.
I really don't know any and if I do some research - for example on google - I really don't know how much trusty could it be.

Does any of you who work in the fashion industry (or even not) know good ones? I'm absolutely free to move everywhere, could be Paris, Stockholm, New York or whatever.

Thanks a lot in advice!!!
I've merged your thread with an existing one where we try to solicit help in finding a fashion industry job.

I can't answer your question about fashion employment agencies ... but, look on page 2 of this thread ... there are some links to similar threads which might have some information for you.
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Looking for fashions jobs in Philadelphia

I am having such a hard time finding a fashion-based job in Philadelphia. I am a blogger/stylist and there is NO WORK. If anyone knows of anything, please let me know.
We don't have a section to post "available for work" ads here, but there are two threads pinned at the top of this forum for opportunites that members find, both paid and unpaid jobs, and they post them for the other members. You might want to keep an eye on those.
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Entry level jobs in fashion

Hello everyone. I've never posted on the site before but love to read the forum and know just how helpful and friendly everyone is.

So, I was wondering if anyone would mind helping. :-)

I've just graduated from Northumbria University, specialising in womenswear design. I did 3 months interning for Markus Lupfer and 3 months in France for Element Eden.

While I know moving to London and doing more unpaid work will help in the long run and possibly help secure me a job eventually, I just can't afford to work full time unpaid.

Does anybody have any advice at all? I've applied to over 100 design jobs, had only 2 interviews sadly and am just trying to work out my next step.

My website has examples of my work on it:

I would be grateful for any feedback anyone could offer.

Thank you! :-)
Welcome to the Fashion Spot!

I am moving this the the "Help me Find Info re: Employment/Work/Jobs/Internships In The Fashion Industry " thread, which is alread set up for members seeking specific advice for themselves.

Since I'm not a designer nor have I worked with one, I really can't give much advice ... hopefully someone else has some ideas if they have been trought this already.

I did notice that you are looking for "entry level" jobs and this is the main thing that came to my mind ... that you have to start low and work your way up. (Some recent grads expect to find a job near the top, but that is not realistic.) And it's extremely competitive, so don't be too fussy. As you gain experience to put on your CV, you will be able to have a wider choice of opportunities.

If you are not in London ... and the jobs are ... maybe you must make that move, even if you have to work at some other type of job, while you job hunt. I know that they will notice where you reside and if it's not close, that might be taking you out of consideration, before they even ask to interview you.

Just food for thought ... not really much help, I know.

Other things to explore: What othe skills do you have that might get you in the door? Pattern making or cutting, perhaps? What did you do as an intern? Can what you learned there be helpful to a designer?
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