Hilfiger 'Just Smacked Me'

Very strange.

What's funny about this is that it makes Axl seem like a wimp. Like "Ow, Hilifiger is slapping me"

I would suspect that Axl would have hauled off and punched him in the face or something.:lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I already started laughing when I read the Vogue headline!

Guys, I seriously think this is the funniest story of the year! :lol: Really sensational:

1. I didn`t know Axl Rose was still alive
2. Axl Rose still has enough money to buy a drink in a Bar (I thought he used all his money in the 80s and 90s for drugs...)
3. Tommy Hilfiger is actually a human being and no preppy Android?

America`s most f*cked-up-Rocker vs. America`s oldest Prep! :lol: Too good to be true! I hope this story goes on! :D
I think in a real fight, Axl would have won. Axl was probably so amused with this old man (Hilfiger is like 60, right?) trying to slap him.

Has anyone read The New York Post's article on this? I found it so funny:

Kid Rock, wearing a black-brimmed hat and smoking a cigar, took his fellow rocker's side, and explained that Hilfiger was upset because he is way further down on the fame food chain.

The hierarchy, according to Kid Rock, begins with mere mortals and works its way up to sports stars.

"After that it's movie stars, then rock stars, then Michael Jordan." Hilfiger is somewhere between a mere mortal and a sports star in this ranking.

There's a hierarchy on fame? LMAO. :lol: Okayyy there. I can't believe you even worked it out!

And also -

"Kid Rock got trampled by people running over. It was unbelievable."

I don't like Kid Rock. :p
Caroliiine said:
I think in a real fight, Axl would have won.

Hmm...maybe...but only because Hilfiger is probably too botoxed to move in a fight :lol: on the other side I think Rose`s body is only kept together by nicotine so he could be probably knocked-off in one good hit...

:lol: Damit I`m LOVING this story! :lol: Really, "worse against worst" :lol:
Or Axl could whip Hilfiger with his hair breads of death, and fling his lycra shorts at him. (yes he still wears them)

And then Hilfiger would retaliate with calling his posse in from that show The Cut he did, and get everyone to jab Axl with sewing needles.
Spike413 said:
I swear, this was my face while reading this little article :huh:

So bizarre.

I forgot where, but I saw pictures the other day.....of them in the club and people trying to keep them separated.

It's just TOO funny.:lol:

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