How Many Pairs Of Shoes Do You All Own?

168 :blink: not incl. flipflops (prob another 20) or athletic/sneakers. I'm re-doing the closet today (ongoing thing...) so decided to count. Some Loubs, Dior, Choos, Prada, Miu Miu, Chloe, ...but it totally runs the gamut from high->low
Anybody who's figured out an effective way to store, but have accessible, your many pairs- I beg you to forward pictures!
^ :flower: :heart:
Yeah, I have a problem.
I'm sure, however, that this a paltry amount compared to many tfs-ers
No way! It's not a problem, absolutely not!

I'm nearly 100 pairs now, mine are mainly Louboutin, YSL, Brian Atwood, Charlotte Olympia... quite a mix, especially now I'm going for designers like Casadei, Sergio Rossi etc. Looking for an AMAZING pair for my 100th pair, but I need to count up first to see exactly how many I have first.

BTW, I keep all my shoes in their boxes with poloroids on them. It's not perfect, but I can't think of any other way.
Excellent choices! I plan on adding some Casadei's real soon. And Givenchy b/c I have "0". Definitely post back here when you get your 100th :woot:
The Polariods are SUPER but I stopped doing that when I heard that they stopped distributing the film b/c I wasn't going to stop buying new shoes!:p Of course now they're going to sell film again. :angry: I *hate* buying something that works and then not being able to use it 4-ever; I just went to our BED,BATH&BEYOND stores and they no longer carry the "huggable"-type hangers that I completely re-vamped our closets with. The new ones are different colors &, more impt, size!!
I probably own 25 pairs now, but it is a constantly rotating thing. I have about 10 vintage pairs that are so precious i would never sell them, but with the rest I just buy and then gently wear and then re-sell. Once in a while a gem comes along that I want to keep forever but rarely. Last time I tried, the heel of my favorite YSLs finally broke and the shoe guy could not fix it... tragic. So I continued on my buying and selling path ... Right now I'm selling my Jeffrey Campbell Charlie clogs, which I wore 2 x, on my blog store, and already thinking about what will replace them!

^ Aw I'm in total admiration of your buy-sell philosophy!
eBay? If so, you must have the patience of a saint-hence my admiration at your success.
sometimes ebay, but a lot of the time i just sell them online thru the blog... i am lucky to be a size 7 because it is a very common size (well, unlucky during sale season - i always wish i am a 9 when i'm looking at the sale racks!! )
holierthannow - love your approach and philosophy, makes so much sense, and I can imagine how heartbroken when your YSLs were terminally damaged :(

Serenity*Now - I love my little Poloroid camera! It broke though, and I got a new one and it's come with enough film to keep me going for a while. I don't even have a digicam, haha.

Yes, Casadei rocked my world in New York, tried on a pair of pumps there and the shape is just exquisite. Same with Sergio Rossie. And let us know what Givenchies you go for!

I am looking for something totally insane and crazy for my 100th pair, something wow and totally not my style. The only pair I've seen so far is a pair of Versace cage platforms on NAP - they're £2,000 but are just insane.
Honestly? I have no idea. I don't want to count, I won't count. :( I need designer shoes now.
Woah 168, I'm jealous! Do you actually wear them all?

:blush: Yes I actually do but I have some that are "faves" or I get in a rut & wear certain pairs continuously. I have a Steri-lite storage bin of pairs that are put out to pasture right now but I didn't count those.

I'm also reporting that since that post...I'm up to 172. I'm a baaaad girl :ninja:
I probably have around 10 pairs, none of which are particularly fancy:ninja:
In the near future I would love to splurge on a few really nice pairs, but I don't feel the need to own tons of shoes.
Well this is sad, I have like 30 pairs of shoes but since my closet is too small I've held off buying more. I wish I had an amazing pair of heels, though. The only one I had got lost when I moved and I'm STILL in mourning. :(
Alright, finally counted mine and I'm at a round 50. I have a couple of other pairs thrown around in the garage, but since I don't really wear them (or keep them in my room) I didn't count them.

That number includes every type of shoe, from sneakers to flipflops to my pair of snow boots lol

1 pair of Alexander McQueen Military Faithful boots
1 pair of Privitita Louboutins in Green
1 pair of L.A.M.B. Valisas in White
Several Bebe heels, 1 pair of black Bebe Sport snowboots
I have like 11 or 12.I really need to go shopping...BUt im not allowed to until September when there will be sales and stuff:cry:
24, and that's mostly boots

But until last year I had like 4 or something :lol:

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