Iris is a very nice person, but this season she was so busy with all the shows, that i could almost never take a photo or have a chance to talk to her;(( She was running all the time and at times it seemed as she does not want her picture to be taken...I was surprised, cause she was so friendly last season, but i guess it was too much pressure and very little time, so that's why she was not in the mood all the time. I did talk to her, but I was trying to keep distant as at one point i was almost feeling i am stalking her as i was constantly trying to take her photo and she was running, so I realized I am bothering her and I was trying to be invisible.
This last photo at Chanel was taken while she was in a very relaxed mood, maybe one of her last shows in Paris, she was just standing there talking to a woman(Austrian maybe, cause they spoke German) and nobody saw her and nobody bothered her for pics, so i was the only one and she finally smiled and we talked a bit and i got my pics! I also took a few portraits at the same time, will post them soon...but the light was not perfect;(.