Iris Strubegger

I saw her in person back in 2009 in heathrow airport right after her big vogue Paris cover and she looked exactly the same as in these last pictures even the clothing was the same she is a very striking woman in person
She looks so chill and :lol: @ not being able to keep up with Iris' hair color and style.
^ I am happy she went back to dark hair, too!!! I never really liked her as a blonde, exept for the stunning Alphorria campaign!!! Love the new shots, she looks better than ever ^_^
Katrin Thormann and Iris Strubegger were shot for Vogue Germany's August issue.

The two top models friend Katrin Thormann and Iris Strubegger forward to working for the first time - but they lived until recently, even in a shared apartment in New York. And they have the same hobby on top of that, "We badly want to go together soon for climbing," says Katrin. Since she had come the day before from New York and now spend the next four weeks in Europe (for "Fashion Week" is of course again Berlin!) And Iris now in Bischofshofen home is a reunion can be in the mountains, perhaps even quite soon realized.
Which looks the two staged for the Vogue shoot, is still secret, but our August issue already appears on 20 July!
I'm really glad that Iris went back to being a brunette, although she surely looked amazing as a blonde. She is one of those models who can have whatever look she likes, she always looks superb.
Rena Lange S/S 2012 (O)

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Vogue Germany August 2011
Ph: Gregory Harris
Fashion Editor: Christiane Arp
M: Katrin Thorman & Iris Strubegger

scanned by me
Aaah, there it is!!! What a great editorial, the two look amazing together! Thanks a bunch for scanning, Helligirl!
Iris Strubegger jas just married Wolfgang Rottensteiner
- All the best!

In der Kirche zum Heiligen Primus am Buchberg in Bischofshofen gab das internationale Topmodell Strubegger ihrem Mann Wolfgang Rottensteiner das Ja-Wort.

Das internationale Topmodell Iris Strubegger hat am Samstag in ihrer Pongauer Heimat geheiratet. In der Kirche zum Heiligen Primus am Buchberg in Bischofshofen, dem so genannten Buchbergkircherl, gab Strubegger ihrem Mann Wolfgang Rottensteiner das Ja-Wort. Es war eine Traumhochzeit, wie aus dem Journal: Bei blauem Himmel und begleitet von der Bürgermusik St. Johann im Pongau ging der Hochzeitstross rund einen Kilometer zu der alleine am Berg stehende Kirche.
Die Braut trug ein schlichtes weißes Seidenkleid und einer knallig roten Schleife, Ehemann Wolfgang erschien traditionell im schwarzen Anzug. Diakon Ernst Reppnig nahm die Trauung vor und der traditionell anwesende Hochzeitslader sorgte für den richtigen Ablauf. Nach der Messe wurde das Paar von Verwandten und Freunden mit Rosenblättern überschüttet und danach ging es in der einer schwarzen Limousine in das Hotel Berghof nach St. Johann-Alpendorf zur Hochzeitsfeier.
kleine zeitung
^ I ran it through Google Translator, the translation is not perfect but we should get the drift:

In the Church of the Holy Mountain in the book Primus Bischofshofen was the international top model Strubegger her husband Wolfgang Rottensteiner the knot.

The international top model Iris Strubegger married on Saturday in their home Pongau. In the Church of the Holy Mountain in the book Primus Bischofshofen, was the so-called Buchbergkircherl, Strubegger her husband Wolfgang Rottensteiner the knot. It was a dream wedding, as from the Journal: In a blue sky and accompanied by music of the citizens of St. Johann im Pongau of the wedding entourage walked about one kilometer to the church standing alone on the mountain.
The bride wore a simple white silk gown and a gaudy red bow, Wolfgang husband appeared in traditional black suit. Deacon Ernst Reppnig took before the ceremony and the traditional wedding present loader was responsible for the correct sequence. After the show was the pair of relatives and friends showered with rose petals and then it went in a black limousine to the Hotel Berghof to St. Johann-Alpendorf to the wedding.
Iris und Wolfgang glückwunsch zu Ihrer hochzeit! :heart::heart::heart::flower::flower::flower:

In a blue sky and accompanied by music of the citizens of St. Johann im Pongau of the wedding entourage walked about one kilometer to the church standing alone on the mountain.


After the show was the pair of relatives and friends showered with rose petals and
Sounds so pretty!!!
Congrats to Iris, cant really make out her dress to well in that pic but it looks very heidi-ish. The Vogue Germany edit is just stunning:woot:, they compliement eachother really well, that solo shot of Iris in the pink dress is killer:heart:
Congratulations to the happy couple :D It looks like a very traditional wedding..kind of far from the edgy image we have of her thanks to her work. Now I am just curious to know if she's gonna skip next show season..
^ I'd rather be worried if she actually continues with modeling, she was never a fan of it and relocated from ny to her hometown in austria
Oh, wow, Congrats to Iris and her husband, all the best!

Her dress looks lovely, I would love to see a full size pic of her!

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