Watch Live & Comment... The 2025 Golden Globe Awards!
in an interview i read i thought she said she speaks english natively but her mother spoke to her when she was young in swiss.. which isnt actually a language.. but i didnt know she spoke other languages.Im not sure about Isabel's top but she still looks beautiful
I agree that she looks a bit french but Isabel is has swiss and speaks fluent German and french so im guessing thats why she might have a bit of french in her!
Oo the more I look at the new pics the more I want thoes red sunglasses! Can anyone i-d them ?
Just saw Transformers and I thought that her part was pretty pointless.. She didnt really have much to do with anything really except to look good and start arguements between Shia and Megans characters.. She was good in it though and she looked great except for the over kill with the bronzer! lol