Ugh, I love Isabel, and I love when people in the show business don't succumb to conventional dressing or the "how to highlight attributes" guidebook just to please audiences but, her case truly perplexes me, not only because she's a pretty girl, it just seems like she kind of got lost, either too much into her style to the point of having no clue on what else to throw or too desperate to distance herself from it to the point of.. having no clue on what else to throw

. It's confusing. Sometimes I'm inclined to feel it's the second option, because she's been traveling, going to gigs, hanging out with people that may not be just indifferent to the business she's in but also judgmental?, and I'm not really basing my comment on the fact that her taste does not appeal to my taste (cause it still does to some degree), it's just that it seems a little contrived, and
unflattering (and I know that's subjective too!).
I think she looked beautiful around this time (not long ago!), just her natural old self, no bleached hair or crazy tan.