It's My Style and I'm Sticking to It

oh no, its not cheaper -or easier- at all keeping a certain style .. honestly it's not
I definitely think it's not easier to stick to one style, especially if you're immersed in fashion culture. It's so easy to give into trends and so much harder to ignore them and create your own look. That, I think, is the key to looking timeless.
It depends on my mood, I have all sorts of clothing styles and just mix it up. I know people are sick of the boho/vintage trend, but to me it's not a trend because I've dressed that way for a long time now. ^_^
Good article, thanks for posting Tangerine...i'm glad this got bumped.

I stick to pretty much one style, IMO my one signature look is subtle from the colors of my clothes to the details on them yet still sleek and managing to stand out from how I wear them. When I shop for clothes, I look for items that are normally so basic they can be considered timeless because they seem to be staples in everyone's wardrobe, yet I try to make it refreshing by looking for more striking details or cuts in otherwise mundane pieces. Some people might say my wardrobe is boring because I don't follow trends or wear things that are instantly identifiable or flashy, but if looked at on a positive note, i guess you could say going simple, discreet and toned down is my way of staying modern!
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Indeed, she is so drawn to the elegance of the 1950's that she would "literally wear a hat and gloves if it didn't make me look like a twit."

I was just thinking this morning that, if I had them and could get away with it, a hat and gloves would suit my outfit!

I am another who goes for the signature look, in part because I read a wonderful book by the late Olivia Goldsmith & the above-mentioned Amy Fine Collins. ("Simple Isn't Easy.") I think the hardest part of the signature look is some elements of your look will inevitably be considered "out of style" at some point, and you just have to suffer the insults until they're so out of style that people forget to insult them. For instance, huge gold hoop earrings have been part of my style since 1987! When they are in, I buy them every time I see them. When they are out, I hate hearing remarks about their "sleaziness," but wear them regardless.

Soon, they will be so far out of style, people won't think to insult them anymore ... of course, they'll have moved on to insulting some other part of my wardrobe! :)
I really like the idea of personal style ... sometimes women who are notable in this respect are physically distinctive, as Amy Fine Collins is--Diana Vreeland the same. I know I have it to a certain extent ... even though I have recently evolved my style again, some things remain constant, one of which is an appreciation and demand for detail/some form of embellishment. A liking for a certain type of bold statement.

I'm not sure I want to give up change to the extent I would need to to create this type of personal style. I also don't have a clear idea of anything further I'd want to create. I like leaving the possibility of change open ... I think that making a change in your appearance or your home can help move other changes in your life forward. Perhaps I would be more inclined to do this if I were more perfectly content :p

Btw, I notice Diana Vreeland was a Leo--a fixed sign. (So am I ... I guess not quite as fixed B)) Be interesting to know whether other women with fixed styles are fixed signs as well. I have found that people who stay at a single company for many years tend to be fixed signs.
I do change my wardrobe quite often, im influenced by things around me, you know, in different phases of life you want to dress different, depending on mood, city you live in, people around you etc..

Im not really feeling this season's mood for preppy, tailored, sleek look, but i find a way to adapt it into my own wardrobe, i do respect women with an own style, with a signature look.

It can easily become boring though, that's how i see it.
I pretty much have a "default" signiature look for many years...hairstyle a bit like Kate Moss or Sienna except longer and black/brown, and black extended eyeliner on top lids.

My fashion "default" has also been more "bohemian" since I was a child...embroidery, handicraft, cotton, gauze, vintage, and longer, softer, flowy silouhettes. Kind of runs in the family and fits my lifestyle.

I do enjoy wearing different looks though; preppy, classic, glam, rocknroll, girly, etc., depending on TPO.

I think most people who know themselves tend to have a more or less signiature look, whether they are aware or not, and some signiatures are more distinct than others.
Melisande said:
I think most people who know themselves tend to have a more or less signiature look, whether they are aware or not, and some signiatures are more distinct than others.

I totally agree here, I think it's a nice philosophy and not be sucked into the seasons trend. It's also nice to experiment with different looks, I'm still young and curious, but I think that article is aimed at people like Jessica Simpson, always chasing after the newest it thing.
Melisande said:
I pretty much have a "default" signiature look for many years...hairstyle a bit like Kate Moss or Sienna except longer and black/brown, and black extended eyeliner on top lids.

My fashion "default" has also been more "bohemian" since I was a child...embroidery, handicraft, cotton, gauze, vintage, and longer, softer, flowy silouhettes. Kind of runs in the family and fits my lifestyle.

I do enjoy wearing different looks though; preppy, classic, glam, rocknroll, girly, etc., depending on TPO.

I think most people who know themselves tend to have a more or less signiature look, whether they are aware or not, and some signiatures are more distinct than others.

I like the way you put that ... very nice. I think you're right. And if you have a highly developed/refined sense of style, it's bound to show.

Can't figure what you mean by TPO? :blush:
Thanks Fashionista-ta!

TPO= time, place, occasion. And how I'm feeling that day too, I guess.
I do change my wardrobe quite often, im influenced by things around me, you know, in different phases of life you want to dress different, depending on mood, city you live in, people around you etc..

Im not really feeling this season's mood for preppy, tailored, sleek look, but i find a way to adapt it into my own wardrobe, i do respect women with an own style, with a signature look.

It can easily become boring though, that's how i see it.

Do you think umm ... black might be a signature for you? ;)
I have a distinctive style that I can't escape just because what attracts me is what defines it.. really can't picture myself buying something to fit an image rather than my own pleasure.. I suppose the influences are what often fade, come stronger or get replaced by others for me but they hardly change my style.. these influences tend to derive from things that fascinate me for long periods but eventually stop, I'm obsessive on many degrees I guess.. I can stick to the same pair of shoes everyday for MONTHS if I truly love them.. put one determined song on repeat in my ipod and keep it like that for weeks and don't listen to anything else because that specific song is the only sound that will make me feel good.. same for food.. people.. whatever that disorder is called, I don't wish to know, I just know I get like that about everything and everyone and I can perfectly picture myself liking.. I don't know.. something that's characteristic of a certain prototype (a cowboy chain, sailor ribbons, you name it) and adding it to my outfits that for some people will be nothing but my costume of the week but a part of my world is spinning around it. it's a dangerous attitude maybe.. I hope it'll change one day. -_-
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You have to be completely comfortable with your style - style is natural; you shouldn't have to deliberately go out of your way to create one, it's an outer expression of who you are. Only in the past few months I've become completely confident of what my style is and what it always shall be, and I know that noone can ever change how I want to dress.
It came extremely naturally to me, and only now I can see where it comes from - I have several sides to me, one is very stiff and cold, and another is very relaxed and talkative, each side is represented by the mixture of formality and informality. I wear a tie around my neck instead of through the collar of a shirt, I wear cufflinked shirts with ripped jeans, I wear t-shirts with cumberbands and I've been planning to buy some DMs to match a suit I have.
I am completely confident that the only thing that could have an effect on what I wear is the temperature outside.
Do you think umm ... black might be a signature for you? ;)


I think that might be true...:shifty: today I wore a pair of electric blue shorts and I almost felt unwell ....I feel relieved now that I have changed :sick: oh well I gave the 'colour thing' a try.

I also can't stand to many accessories at once ... I get this there is to much.. I think I also need simple lines in my outfits..
I need something black in my outfit for it to feel like 'me'.

I have had a hard time translating my style into summer-mode ..but I do feel inspired this season..^_^

Mulletproof you really put it so beautifully, when I love something I can become obsessive over shoes and wear them constantly, you just don't feel like wearing anything else.. :crush:
style is not just clothes!!!!
it express your likes and dislikes... it is part of you. clothes are just a weapon, but style is in you.
i dont have anything signature about my style. and how my style has been throughtout the many looks i've picked up, it's all completely drastic.
^ I have found that sometimes I haven't recognized my signatures. I've had people come to my house (when I was younger) & immediately recognize decorating signatures that I wasn't even really aware of :blush:
My 'signature' used to be full on jewellery. Like, way too much. I still really love my unusual jewellery, but I've stopped wearing so much of it. Now it's either a nice handbag, lipstick, or a flower in the hair.

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