It's time for a new style


Aug 10, 2008
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Okay i've been thinking long and hard about this and I think its about time I change my style. I want to give myself a full head to toe makeover HOWEVER I get so confused and don't know where to start. Should I start on hair and work around the rest or should I decide what style I want to lean towards and work around that I'm soooo confused. What do you guys suggest?
Well, I'm going through the same thing. It really all kind of depends on what you think needs the most work and what you plan on changing the most. For example, do you plan on changing your wardrobe more? Do you want to change your hair drastically? makeup? Are your style going from demure to sexy? sexy to scene kid?
Well right now all i wear is sneakers and jeans. I want to be more fashion fwd. I want to start wearing make up. I want to change my hair not to drastic. More girly perhaps.
I think a good haircut can really make or break a look. Just go to a good stylist, but get a cut that's versatile.

As for clothing, it'd be really expensive to switch to a whole new wardrobe in one day. I think you should keep a inspiration book of looks that you like and the style you're going for; that way whenever you go shopping, you'll have an idea of what sort of clothes you're looking for.
I think looking through a lot of photos - either lookbooks from designer lines, or what are you wearing todays from various sites, and then saving them to your computer (and then looking back at them) is a good way to figure out what kind of style you're more inclined to.

If you're not totally sure what will suit you, stick to thrift shopping. It's generally a lot more inexpensive when you're just testing things out.
Take a look at our "How to start the fashion thing" thread ... I would first zero in on what you want to work on first, and then figure out what you want to do. That can be your key, and from there you can figure out the rest.
great suggestions so far...

the only thing i'd like to add is that, when thinking about styles you like and would like to incorporate, pieces to buy... also consider what would be functional for you. it may sound exciting to get all kinds of new stuff, but it's best to focus on functional basics, stuff you will really wear, just really great, interesting versions of said basics :wink:
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^ Good point, crepebacksatin! Functionality is really important. Sometimes I buy beautiful clothes or shoes, but never wear them because it's too fancy or too uncomfortable for everyday wear.
One good trick I learned from a friend is to ask yourself "Would I be really excited to wear this tomorrow?" when you eye something you like. If the answer is "No, I wouldn't wear it tomorrow," then you might not wear it the next day or the day after that... or at all.
I think that it should be done slowly. Just start buying what you love and integrate with your older pieces. Don't rush it -- a) Rushing will only cause you to buy something you later realize isn't for you, b) Taking it slow gives you plenty of time to process yourself and your style and to be sure of what you buy, piece by piece.

Have fun!
yeah definitely just change it gradually. you might even find new pieces will dramatically reinterpret old items in your wardrobe. this is just an example but i don't think you can wake up one morning and switch from hipster to sophisticated. i think everyone's style naturally changes, thats what most people would aspire to anyway. but yeah definitely get inspiration through pictures and life etc, once your thinking and breathing and feeling fashion it just naturally becomes apart of you.
good luck
I think the first thing you should do is get a basic wardrobe. Kind of like the The 4-5 piece French wardrobe thread thats going on. It will always be classic, versatile, and manageable.
colour is very important
has a strong impression
also showing what sort of person you are

i'm planning more light greyed colours for this long winter :smile:
im doing the same thingg
im tryna reivent myself a bitt
im dead good at dressing other people but when it comes to myself i just get a bit swamped by whats on offer!
im so bored of my clothess that i have now
can anyone help me? i need someone to tell me what to wear!
^ I'd say the way to go would be to develop your personal style ... try taking a look at our Starting the fashion thing thread ...
hair and makeup can change your whole look without leaving your daily-wear. if you wanna change your style, then just check fashion blogs (checking out street style is one of good ways you can try) and get inspired. have fun with fashion!! :D
I think the first thing you should do is get a basic wardrobe. Kind of like the The 4-5 piece French wardrobe thread thats going on. It will always be classic, versatile, and manageable.

This is a good tip. I'm using this as a guideline.
Refining my style

Thinking of changing my style up. I'm thinking girly with a rock n' roll twist.
Any suggestions? Links would be appreciated :woot:
Well I think Julia Restoin-Roitfeld has something like this style. You can also look at the pictures of Paris Vogue Girls, they have pretty rock'n'roll-ish style. You know, monochromatic/dark look, killer shoes, leather pants, everything simple and stylish with a rock'n'roll edge. Then you can add girly pieces and try to mix it with that monochromatic look. For example: flowy, girly skirt, high heels and black top with black jacket.

I'll search my computer and try to post pics, 'cause I don't know if you understood what I mean:ninja::unsure:
Oh I'm in the same boat! :( And I'm actually frustrated right now..
I don't really know how to shop! I used to buy lots of stuff that at the store would look amazing and some time later in my closet I would find it so blah, so I stopped shopping w/o doing a lot of thinking first. But my thinking is resulting in nothing, I don't know if I like something and I leave the store with my hands free :/

how do you guys shop? Is it relying on your personal taste or do you go for trends? Do you repeat your clothes all the time bcuz you love them so much? Is it important to match? Do you regret buying clothes when you decide you dont actually like it anymore?

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