Izabel Goulart in Brasil with the tour going to city!
In the pool ready for the show! @Iza_goulart, Re Kuerten and Ju Imai!!
Annelyse, @ccfrancischini , @Renatabn09 and @iza_goulart!!!
At the hotel preparing to go to the parade! With Izabel Goulart and Flausino!
With my friend Celso Kamura, in his new salon! Was wonderful!
Follow the newest twitter! My friend @renatabn09 Renata Kuerten! Cute!
@MDFT2010 parade today! super! Me and @renatabn09 a delicious moment! Love life!
First look of the day! Stella mccartney! Love
Wet hair look today! Think super modern, what do you think? Approved?
I finished work! 13 pictures! It is still day time! Time to go shopping for my home!
Between one meeting and another took a little break at 46th Street and bought several things in Brazilian supermarket! Heheh
Stairway fashion! Ready for the wild fox party! Raquel, @AngelAlessandra and me!
The decoration of the party this is super! I am a romantic! full of heart balloons! heheh
Having fun with my girlfriend @AngelAlessandra!Always a good time!!!
@HugoGloss @mamazzafera boys come to nyc soon!!! This too much! it lacks you here!!!! A kiss for you!
Backstage in nyc!
Me and jessica hart! Super my Australian friend!
on her twitter, did she say she was shooting for the new Express campaign?