Jennifer Lawrence

Do we have confirmation it is Dior? It looks very non-Dior-ish.

She used to be this golden, approachable-looking girl, and now they have decided she should go for the cold as ice look. It just doesn't make sense.
The brand has no creative director yet again so it's no surprise that it doesn't look like Dior.

In London on May 8, 2016.
X-Men: Apocalypse screening after party on May 9, 2016.
My mother told me that if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say anything. I am really trying....
My mother told me that if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say anything. I am really trying....

I'm gonna say it : It's tragic!
It's like witnessing a collapse and not being able to do anything.
She needs to change her stylist(s) asap, it's like they're making fun of her seriously. Ok, she's not a fashionista but there must have been a way to dress her decently!
I don't think she or her team are as conscious of her image anymore.After the hacking scandal and the end of the trilogy/franchise ( i can't come with the name ) she simply doesn't have to anymore. She is clearly going through a transitional phase in her career and is enjoying experimenting with different styles.
^I'd say that was the best part. But I guess if it was not intentional it is different.
I'm really fascinated by why her stylists keep dressing her like some kind of B-list actress. That last outfit looks like something Julianne Hough could wear seriously.
Or maybe her contract with Dior is so strict that she has problems to dress other designers? Is it possible?
No I don't think it's that strict tbh. They only want her to wear Dior, and only Dior, for her big red carpet events. The rest of the time she can switch up to other designers.

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