Jennifer Lawrence

I do not understand how anyone thought that outfit was a good idea... How the heck does that get past Dior PR people AND Jennifer's personal stylist?! This literally the amalgam of every terrible candid street style look I have seen and it's for freaking HC week!
Christian Dior's 70th anniversary at Fashion Week in Paris
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Tragic! It's beyond me how its possible to ruin Jennifer's appeal and charm with such a wrong brand contract. Dior is a mess, but even there you can find decent clothes! Really, I blame Jen's taste in this monstrosity
Yikes! That was she look she chose to wore to the anniversary?? :shock:
Looks like she nicked it off someone's boudoir. Also, hate the shoes!

And she literally looks like a blogger attending a music fest at the Couture show.
I don't mind the idea of her in metallic shades, but that dress-thing is heinous.
JENNIFER LAWRENCE Out and About in New York 08/28/2017

credit: hawtcelebs
JENNIFER LAWRENCE Out and About in New York 08/30/2017

credit: hawtcelebs
JENNIFER LAWRENCE Out with Her Dog in New York 09/02/2017

credit: hawtcelebs

JENNIFER LAWRENCE Arrives at Venice Airport for 2017 Venice Festival 09/02/2017

credit: hawtcelebs
The above dress could be nice if it wasn't that long. The bust line is very low, and with the hem sweeping on the floor it looks very slovenly. I'm guessing it's Maria's Dior......
The above dress could be nice if it wasn't that long. The bust line is very low, and with the hem sweeping on the floor it looks very slovenly. I'm guessing it's Maria's Dior......

It's Ulla Johnson, and looks so much more fitted on the website, on her it looks like she's struggling not to trip on it.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE Out and About in Venice 09/03/2017

credit: hawtcelebs
Woah, literally looks like chalk and cheese! Even the bustline doesn't look that low in the lookbook. They've not given her her correct size. Her stylist should hang her head shame.
JENNIFER LAWRENCE Arrives at Excelsior Hotel in Venice 09/05/2017

credit: hawtcelebs

JENNIFER LAWRENCE at Mother! Premiere at 2017 Venice Film Festival 09/05/2017

credit: hawtcelebs

Jennifer Lawrence's 'Mother!' dazzles, discomforts critics at Venice film fest premiere
Mother! impressed film critics at its premiere screening Tuesday at Venice Film Festival, but their reaction would hardly be described as a warm maternal embrace.
More than a dozen critics offered immediate reactions to the psychological thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky — most of them positive (12 of 13 reviews were characterized as "fresh" at aggregate site
But that doesn't mean they weren't discomforted by the film, starring Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem, which finds a couple's relationship tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home.
As Marlow Stern of The Daily Beast put it in a positive commentary: Mother! "is a sickeningly glorious mess."
Robbie Collin of the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph offered a similar-sounding note of approval, calling Mother! "a sick joke, an urgent warning and a roar into the abyss (that) earns its exclamation mark three times over and more."
Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter invoked Roman Polanski's 1968 horror classic, calling the film "a very Rosemary's Baby-like intimate horror tale that definitely grabs your attention and eventually soars well over the top to make the bold concluding statement that, for some creators, art is more important than life."
Of earlier Aranofsky films, he says Mother! most closely resembles Black Swan, and that it "both pulls you in with its intriguing central dramatic situation and pushes you out with some mightily far-fetched plot contrivances."
However, freshness may have been no more than skin deep for some reviewers. Variety chief film critic Owen Glieberman wrote that Mother! is "dazzling on the surface, but what lies beneath? Maybe nothing."
He concludes: "You’ve got a head-trip horror movie with something for everyone - except, perhaps, for those who want to emerge feeling more haunted than assaulted."
Time's Stephanie Zacharek wasn't persuaded, either. In a review headlined "Mother!, ambitious and dorky, is guaranteed to be divisive," she writes: "It tries so desperately to be crazy and disturbing that all we can see is the effort made and the money spent. No wonder there's an exclamation mark in its title. Aronofsky just doesn't know when to quit."
bill keveney for usa today
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Beautiful dress, but it doesn't do anything for her. We already saw the hair and makeup countless times during her past award runs.
Lovely dress, but makes nothing for her, and she does nothing for the dress itself either.
Wow, finally something that seems age appropriate... I like this, the hair could be better but she looks hot. Is it Julian MacDonald? Versace?


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