Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley

sorry my scanner isnt working but i just retyped the article out, there was only one picture that didnt even really show what she was wearing but i can try and get that up here when i sort out my scanner!
enjoy the article in the mean time!:flower:

As the voice and va-va-voom behind LA-based band Rilo Kiley, Jenny Lewis has built up quite a following of males fans. With a penchant for short shorts and the kind of raspy-edged country lilt that could turn even the toughest of cowboys to jelly, Lewis’s looks have naturally been a part of her band’s selling point. That is, along with their listenable brand of indie-country-rock. Having formed in 1997 with fellow ex-child actor Black Sennett (between them their credits include Roseanne, The Golden Girls, and Boy meets World) these two unusual rock hopefuls added Jason Boesel on the drums and Pierre de Reeder on bass to make Rilo Kiley. Three albums-latest offering: ‘More Adventurous’- and a messy romantic break up with Sennett later, Lewis has taken much needed time-out to record her first solo album. Featuring identical-twin gospel backing vocalists The Watson Sisters, ‘Rabbit Fur Coat’ is a collection of southern influenced should-be-classics. Clash met the pint-sized redhead on her whirlwind London visit to find out about her eclectic style and Lewis told us she loves more then a bargain.
Words by Lizzie Pountney
Clash: Hey!
Jenny Lewis: Hi There…
How’s things?
Good, yeah, sorry I’m so late. Today has been hectic… I think my next drink will be a beer! [we sit in a corner table of the hotel bar] Ahhh, I have take this belt off. I love it. But man, after a while day…
I know that feeling…
I’m loving this whole ‘high belt thing’ at the moment-cinched over a baggier top-but after all day wearing one it sorta digs in. [Puts belt on table] Look at it, it’s really cool, it has these car logos on it. There’s MG and Jaguar and Ferrari. I think they’re going to start falling off. Though when that happens I can just as it as a plain belt.
Wow, that’s cute-and very small. Where did you find it?
Where I find everything: in a vintage store. I do all my shopping at thrift or second hand stores. I love the feeling of looking through all the stuff and finding interesting pieces. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always shopped like that. I always knew what I did and I didn’t like.
So how did you deal with the wardrobe people when you were a child actor?
Well if they were nice ladies I didn’t mind, but sometimes I had to put up with some bad outfits!
Have you checked out the UK charity shops yet?
No, I heard they’re good, but they’re just small shops. They’re just not on the same scale as the thrift stores we have in the US. Ours are like massive warehouses…
I heard about Value Village in Canada, it sounds like heaven.
Yeah, Value Village! That store is amazing. You can gets for, like, a dollar.
So you don’t go for designer clothes then?
You know what? I really love a lot of the designer stuff but, generally, I just can’t justify spending that amount on clothes. Although Miu Miu gave some great stuff from the last collection-you know the shiny skirts and little shirts?-I think from fall/winter. So obviously I love that! [winks] Now I’m wearing them in every photo-shoot-I’m like “please give me some more…”
Talk me through your outfit you have on today?
Well, as usual its mainly second hand. This black bib top is from a thrift store in the US. My friend and I bought a load of stuff that was way too big and she just took it all in for me… these grey woolly tights are from H&M, I love H&M, its great. The black cowboy boots are second hand and so is my silver pendant. As you can tell, its either thrift stores, or cheaper high street H&M type shops.
Have you discovered Topshop yet?
Oh yesss, I love it.
You know they’ve opened on in NYC?
Oh no, really? Damn. That’s a shame because I’d always go back with this great stuff and now everyone else will have it too!
What is the bands style like?
Well, Blake has been wearing this cowboy hat, and growing a big moustache.
Kind of Village People?
Yeah, ha ha ha…and Pierre, well, I buy a lot of his clothes from thrift shops. When I see t-shirts and sweaters that are so cheap I cant resist buying them, so I just pick them for someone else. Actually, Pierre’s girlfriend and I buy most of his clothes.
And the Watson Twins, I see they dress identically?
They do now! You know, they hadn’t done that since they were really little, but I just thought they had to. It’s such a striking image, having identical twins dressing the same. And they ended up enjoying dressing like that so much. Plus, they’re so tall. Its like little me and then these six foot girls.
You’re tiny…
I know, I think I’m, like 5’3’’. it makes it really difficult when I’m at gigs and in big crowds.
But you’re usually on the stage now. Not in the crowd.
Yeah, I suppose that’s true.
So do you feel your style relates to your music?
Not really. To be honest I see the two as separate entities. My style has always been quite fluid and I don’t connect it to my music. Although, being on tour is great as I pick up new stuff everywhere I go. I have ‘destination’ places, so if we go there and I don’t get to go to a particular store I like don’t feel ‘fulfilled’!
And when you’re on tour do you plan outfits at all?
I just chuck everything in a suitcase and see what happens! I suppose to a certain degree I have an idea, because I know what I have with me, but as I’m always picking up clothes and accessories along the way, so my wardrobe is always changing and I have new things to wear. My closet at home in LA is huge. I have lots and lots of pairs of shoes.
Who would you say is your style icon?
It has to be my friend Morgan. She has amazing style. We’re kind of similar, but she takes it that bit further then me, she really pushes her look and I so admire that. I love shopping with her.
Any fashion no-no’s?
Hmmm [thinks a long time]…the obvious: what are they called, Ugg boots? Yeah I wont be wearing those. And you wont be seeing me in a belly-top anytime soon. I’m not a midriff exposing kinda gal.
What happened to the longs socks?
Ahh, the long socks…Weeelll, I just needed to break away from those, it was getting silly. It got to the stage when I didn’t want to be known forever as “the girl who wears the long socks.”
So now you’re going to be “the girl in the red dress” (Lewis wears a pillar-box red silk dress on the album cover)
Yeah. That dress is beautiful-so cute with its puff-sleeves and empire-line. Of course that came from a vintage store too.
Your make-up looks very professional today. Are you as passionate about that as you are about fashion?
No, not at all! I really don’t have a clue about make-up. I just end up doing the same thing. These eyes [smoky black, heavily kohled] are the result of a great make-up artist that was working on the shoot I did earlier. They pretty good though, don’t they?
Yeah, they’re sexy eyes. But, back to the album , your first solo evnture. Its called Rabbit Fur Coat…
Let me say, I don’t wear fur. I just don’t want to. The Rabbit Fur Coat title is actually a metaphor.
What for?
Well, I’m gonna let the listener decide on that.
Remember her from Troop Beverly Hills? Such a fun and campy(literally) movie. It's cookie time....
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Rilo Kiley @ Santa Monica Civic Center



thanks for the pics, those are great. I saw that last week they were really giving them exposure on MTV, which was exciting:)
she's lovely.
i adore rilo kiley, great voice and the lyrics! i wish i'd written them.
thanks for the pics, those are great. I saw that last week they were really giving them exposure on MTV, which was exciting:)

really!? did they just play the video alot or interviews?

I don't watch MTV much these days but that's great. I love the band - especially jenny. this concern outfit is unbelievable! J'adore!:flower:
I love these little metalic jumpsuits!

Jenny shots at RK show in Seattle



in 10/13/07 Vegas


from secret show @ bowling alley 8/10/2007
oh no! now I'm jenny inspired!

Jenny Lewis’
greatest roles

Long before forming Rilo Kiley or appearing in 1998’s Pleasantville, Las Vegas-born Jenny Lewis was the child actress all the boys loved and the girls wanted to be (seriously, we had a club).

The Golden Girls, 1987 (Daisy) In the episode entitled “Old Friends,” Blanche accidentally gives away Rose’s teddy bear, Fernando, to charity. Sunshine Cadet Daisy promptly holds Fernando hostage at (water)gunpoint when she realizes the bear’s emotional value.
Jenny’s highlight moment: Blanche: “I’m going to call the School for Bad Girls, and they will come and pick you up, and put you in a sack, and take you away, and you will never eat ice cream or play jump rope again!” Daisy: “Get real, Grandma!”

Troop Beverly Hills, 1989 (Hannah Nefler)
Robin “It’s khaki wishes and cookie dreams!” Leach makes a cameo appearance in this modern classic about a spoiled Wilderness Girls troop, their ditzy leader and the group’s self-affirming journeys through both the woods and the wilds of Rodeo Drive.
Jenny’s highlight moment: Hannah harnesses her mad balance-beamin’ skillz to cross a treacherous ravine via strategically placed log.

The Wizard, 1989 (Haley) A tough-talking Reno kid who wears work boots with floral overall-shorts, Haley hitchhikes through various desert towns with Fred Savage and his mute, younger half-brother/Nintendo prodigy before winning $50,000 at Universal Studios’ “Video Armageddon.”
Jenny’s highlight moment: Points at bad guy in casino arcade, screams, “That man touched my breast!” (He, in fact, had not.)
–Julie Seabaugh

they were playing clips of them in between shows, like during the credits and also in the background of previews for the next episode of shows.
Thanks for all the great pictures guys!! Here's some of my favorites...


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And some more...


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These, too. I just love her style!!


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Anyone have old magazine articles from the first two Rilo Kiley albums? I didn't know to much about them at the time but I'd love to see what Jenny was wearing back then!

meanwhile...on stage outfits 2006/2007





*my computer (via photobucket), flikr &
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Jenny Late 07/early 08

photobucker &


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Greek Theater (LA) 06/18/08


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