Jeremy Scott F/W 06.07 New York

has he lost his mind?

the only way 95% of that collection would sell is in smaller sizes in the kids' pajama section of wal-mart.

seriously, a pizza dress? eclaire earrings?
Hideous. Absolutely crazy, the food accessories, I bet Paris is on the waiting list.

Most of the male models are cute...Esp him


well i musta say i love the lettucey hambuger sweater! lol
to be fair, i liked the red striped pants and shoes...

was alright
but what on earth?? :doh:
i'm struggling between laughter or horror...:blink:
it's horrible but the more i keep looking at it the more i feel compelled to like it
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Hum ... its hideous and kitschy and I secretly love it (well... the candy striped and the white eyes on black background things)!

Come on! Models wearing fattening food? I'd PAY to see this!
Much of it is stomach-churning, esp. the evening looks, but I see things I would wear, the frenchfries print short jumpsuit and the b/w striped dress with cartoon eyes plus the candy-cane shoes...for summer! If he had been more discrete, imaginative in cut/construction and less literal, the collection might have more of the desirable pieces. I wouldn't put him in BW's league, though. Anyway, I detest gimmicky fashion based on "stories"...tasteless. That's his problem, isn't it, doesn't know when to stop indulging.
I really like this collection. It is hilareous. The jewellry is especially creative. It is my favorite Jeremy Scott collection.
I think this is very funny, and I think Jeremy would loose his charm if he ever started to hold himself back, what makes him hilarious is that he is so self-indulgent.
oops.. i would min having this kind of food.. i guess im hungry im eating words too
He's trash, a loser, ********, and most painful of all, completely and utterly irrelevant. This is SUCH a Bernhard Willhelm rip that I cannot stand it. I wonder if they're still friends after Jeremy ripped the sh*t out of Bernhard's shows for the past two seasons. So disgusting.

BEST jeremy scott collection to date...

this is what heatherette SHOULD be ...
good for you jeremy!!...

I dig that Twinkie Necklace/Earing Set. But.. ya, know.. as a joke. :D
I like the candy cane stuff, but pretty much hated the rest.

The hamburger and french fries stuff is some of the worst waste of materials I've ever seen, plus it is nauseatingly reminiscent of McDonald's, the Hamburglar, HR Pufnstuf and a bunch of other schlock that makes me gag.

A bad joke. Except for the candy canes.
i love him and some of these looks like the doughnut stuff, and this blouse..

i dont think i'm very happy to see the rest, i probably lost my sense of humor on my way here...while passing by my school's art and communications faculty and seeing a lot of miss piggy-looking girls wearing similar prints and outfits in a failed attempt to look eccentric.

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