softgrey said:
so ...betty boop...what was your impression of jurgen???...
He was very nice, I really enoyed the photoshoot. His wife was there as well as a stylist. When the shoot was over I wasn't too sure where to find the metro and they both took me there, really easy going and nice people
The funny thing is how I got the job. I went to him for a casting and he took a poloroid of me and asked me to write my name on som sort of a contract, I had no idea what it was about and didn't quite understand it so I said no, he said it was no biggie but I still said no, later I found out that it was for his new book and he wanted to get my permission to use the photo

which my agency allowed so I got into his book, a lousy non important poloroid

Anyway, later on he was at the agency looking at composit cards and I was there, I was too busy listening to music and drawing that I didn't notice him (I was waiting to talk to my booker). Anyway, he liked how I was into my drawing and..... well, how rude I was

well what do you expect from a 15 year old listening to Manson
anyhoo, he wanted me for the shoot and that's great