I think she looks great. Some people need to remember that these are actual people we are talking about, not robot mannequins who dont ever age... In 2005 Julia still had some baby fat and as you lose that your face changes a bit. So like any human she is getting older but I think that she is aging beautifully (we should all be so lucky!) So please stop this nonsense about a nose job... if you want to keep posting about that then please show me this proof you have. If all you can do is post a picture of a girl at age 20 next to one where she is 27 and then have the audacity to claim the changes are from surgery then I think Ive already addressed that.
I have always enjoyed this forum to share my appreciation for Julia and her work and to read how other people enjoy her as well. So while I dont mind a bit of criticism here and there I do not appreciate gossipy, factless statements. So if you are "over" Julia thats all fine and good but then please move on to another thread (and change your username!). Please dont spoil my enjoyment of this with your baseless BS.