Julie Delpy

I love the photo of her wearing the trilby hat.:heart: Pics from same source as before.

ever since isaw before sunset, i wanted to have her black top nd beige jacket.
Me too, but sorry, I have no idea where they are from. I bet almost all of the film's female fans want to wear that costume!


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(i loved that white jacket she wore in before sunset.) she has such a luminous charm, and lovely skin with those red lips
Pics are from leninimports.com, hellomagazine.com, telegraph.co.uk and movies.msn.com

ulie Delpy @ Billion Dollar Babes Premiere Design Sample Sale, Sept 22

Question: Are Julie and Ethan Hawke still dating? I hope so, they were just so perfect in the Before Sunset/Sunrise films.:D
Look at how comfortable they are with one another. Ethan never looked this relaxed with Uma.

How cute is this:p

My baby's got a secret

Ethan's spotted something he likes;)

Here are pics of Julie I don't believe have been posted.

Julie and Ethan never dated, she said on a french show that she don't want people think that there are dating because it will mean that there chemistry was all real and not acting but they are like best friends. She also said that she didn't like Uma, she said that she wasn't nice lol.
I just recently saw the movie before sunset and I must say......wow! her and ethan have awesome chemistry together. I've honestly never seen such a great connected on screen before. I haven't seen before sunrise but I will see it soon. I love her! Also is she in a band?

Before sunset was great and Before sunrise is Perfect my favorit movie ever :blush: , and i know that she released a solo album.
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emma peel said:
(i loved that white jacket she wore in before sunset.) she has such a luminous charm, and lovely skin with those red lips

Oh my gosh, I know exactly what you are talking about. I was obsessed with it. She has such an effortless French style.

Did you ever find one similar? I had no luck, and I looked forever.

I found some photos of it online. Source: movies.yahoo.com




Julie Delpy @ "Le Scaphandre et le Papillon" premiere at the 60th International Cannes Film Festival, May 22

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