Kate Hudson, Chris Robinson Separate

I seriously thought this couple would last.. Can't believe they are going to seperate! :( They both seemed so happy, especially Kate.
Owen Wilson is adorable....IMO he and Kate would make a cute couple ^_^
i dont like owen wilson.he just seems so shallow and stupid in his interviews.
he's a good comedian,but i cant see how some1 can take him seriuosly.
chris was so interesting and fascinating.i hope they work things out with kate :)
It´s really sad, there were such a interesting couple(they look so georgeous together).Owen&hudson, that`s really so boring like Barbie & Ken.
August 16, 2006

Owen Wilson looks guilty

Splash News
Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson were spotted leaving Hugo's PIzza Restaurant while they were promoting their movie in Sydney, Australia back in late July. And the guilty looks on both their faces suggest it was more than just a friendly dinner. Although if I had a reputation for being an obsessive butt licker I'd probably cover up my face in shame too. It's a wonder he can even look himself in the mirror, let alone walk around in public. He looks like he was just caught masturbating. Which is understandable because I'd probably be doing the same thing if I was having dinner with Kate Hudson. You know, under the table. Or in the bathroom. Or, as is usually the case, on top of the table spinning wildly and yelling, "You like that? You like that?!"

Comments (36) | Permalink

Source: thesuperficial.com
BodhiTree said:
You think polygamy is great? Oh! :blink: Ok.....:huh:

Why the surprise! I dont believe in marriage and I think that providing you are honest, you should be able to have as many sexual partners as you feel like. And not in a Paris Hilton way. I dont think you have to be inately trashy to be polygamous and I find the stereotype offensive. I think maybe it is my city upbringing but I think a lot more people are starting to think like me. If Kate Hudson and all these people in Hollywood who are breaking up, hadn't got such unrealistic expectations of what a 50s flick relationship should be, then there would be less heartache going round in tinseltown.
^^cheers 2 that .i agree:) ppl have very unrealistic expectations of a fairy tale
Sienna in London Just so I understand completely.....you are more then
ok about the idea of a person having more then one wife or husband? Sure...
ok, whatever floats your boat, I guess I'm old fashioned then? Not too
old fashioned because imo* having sex before marriage is normal, it's ok
with me.....:D :lol: :flower:
No I dont think people should have more than one husband or wife. If they are polygamist I dont think they should get married. I dont think monogamists should marry either frankly. I do think that people are more inclined to one or the other though and shouldn't be forced into the opposite. In polygamist communes, people are forced to be polygamists even if they are not inclined that way.
I'm not surprised this union didn't last. It was too soon too fast. Typical Hollywood B.S. they seem to take marriage like a joke.:rolleyes:
Last night on Access Hollywood, they replayed an interview from '05 when Kate was telling Billy Bush that it is OK for her husband to cheat as long as things are happy in the home and he does not get caught. Then Billy asked her if she thought it was possible to remain faithful, and she said, "It is possible but not realistic." And when she was asked if she would always stay faithful, she said that she didn't know. That is completely her business and her life, but it sort of makes the fact that she may have cheated with Owen more believable.
he seemed the kind of husband who was not there for her when she needed it, or he did not pay attention to her needs, he just took her love for granted and did whatever he wanted.
Ego caused Kate's split - dad

It seems Owen Wilson's not to blame for ending Kate Hudson's marriage after all.
Her father, Bill Hudson, has told Inside Edition his daughter's separation from rock musician Chris Robinson was caused by Chris's tiny little green-eyed ego.
"Kate's career is on fire and Chris's isn't," Bill said, not without some rue, admitting he's been punk'd by his own fragile ego, too.
"It's like watching my own movie with her mother," he said. That would be Goldie Hawn, who's really famous, while Bill's the guy who did a Love Boat episode in 1980.
Bill said the young couple, who have a two-and-a-half-year-old boy, Ryder, are trying to fix things in couples therapy.
When Inside Edition pointed out that he seems to identify with Chris way too much, Bill threw a green-eyed grenade into his daughter's bunker: "I identify with Kate's hurt, but I think Kate's perpetuating this."
Us Weekly is reporting that Hudson and Owen Wilson, who met on the set of "You, Me and Dupree", had begun an affair and shared hotel rooms during their publicity tour for the film.
A source told the magazine: "This is not a fling. Kate is crazy about him. Owen gives her so much attention, and she loves it!"
Wilson's spokeperson denied he was the cause of the separation. Hudson's publicist declined to comment.
- Agencies
^ Her dad needs to shut his mouth...
they aren't even close, why the hell would he know why they split and even if he does I bet she doesn't like him running his mouth.
SiennaInLondon said:
No I dont think people should have more than one husband or wife. If they are polygamist I dont think they should get married. I dont think monogamists should marry either frankly. I do think that people are more inclined to one or the other though and shouldn't be forced into the opposite. In polygamist communes, people are forced to be polygamists even if they are not inclined that way.

Polygamy = having more than one spouse

Promiscuity = having more than one sexual partner

I think you're confusing the two.
shes estranged with her dad as far as inkow.nd more importantly,why would chris envy her? all her recent films were flops at movie theatres,nd critics didnt like any of her recent movies .n fact,since almost famous she didnt have one single interesting project.nd i like kate.i just dont think that you,me nd dupree with its fart jokes or skeleton key with it's haunted attic exactly great acting career moves.while chris career has been same,hes always been popular to some point among his fans,its constatnt.
brokenenglish said:
^ Her dad needs to shut his mouth...
they aren't even close, why the hell would he know why they split and even if he does I bet she doesn't like him running his mouth.

It is awful. He has no relationship with his daughter, and then he needs to go and use her to get his 15 seconds of fame. Puh-leez, dude. :rolleyes:
"From Page Six, it looks like Kate Hudson and her hubby, Chris Robinson, are back on track. A pal of the couple said, “They never really split. They love each other - Chris can be sarcastic and biting, but not with her.” In fact, word out of the Golden State is that that the two are planning to spend Labor Day weekend at the California Speedway in Fontana, watching NASCAR’s Sony HD 500. Seriously, not kidding. Yeah, to the amazement of many, Chris Robinson is said to be one of the bigger fans of NASCAR – while, to the amazement of none, he loved Shane Hmiel. "
^ Well, that would be nice if it is true. I think she would be great with Owen, but it is always nice to see a couple work things out and stay together (with the exception of Bobby and Whitney, of course :lol: ).

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