Katja Shchekina

OK, I was looking at the Highland Romance segment 2006 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and when she came into view and I was like, "WHO IS THAT??" I looked her up on the vsholic gallery and then did a search for her thread on tFS and voila - subscribed.

From youtube/vsholicdotcom
Highland Romance - VSFS 2006@1:38

Katja was also in Femme Fatale,
the opening segment of the show @ 3:25
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I have no idea if we are allowed to post facebook pictures, if not please excuse me....
PS.Where is Katja?She quit modelling?


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imagine she don't work more because don't want, she is so beauty and sweet miss her modeling
in theory her stay in premier model management and woman direct
I spotted her recently in the Saks website, I think there's still some photos up there.
Hey guys! I recently sent Katja message on facebook, (she is my favorite model) asking her to post for her fans here something about her plans in fashion, and if she quit what is she doing now.... and she sent me an adress of her blog! So here it is : http://katyaska.blogspot.com/

As it is in Russian, I still have no idea what is she writing there, let me get to google translator... Anyhow, I am so glad she answered! :) Btw, as she is married, she changed her last name to Selivanova! :)
PS.If someone knows Russian it would be great to receive a translation, as google translator is not that correct...and it didn't translate it all well for me! Thanks!
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sound really good, just use translator too and think look so interesting :doh:

i can't wait she make more entries,
thanks so much Keenza
By the sounds of it she made her blog as per your request. All she has really writen so far is why she made the blog.

This is why she made the blog:
- Firstly, I did this to share information about that I have gathered about leaving a healthy lifestyle.
- Secondly, to answer interested peoplee' questions "Where am I, and what I'm doing?"
- To see if I can gather any love for writhing. (I like slang, this was a problem even in school)

So I'm guessing there is more to come :)
By the sounds of it she made her blog as per your request. All she has really writen so far is why she made the blog.

This is why she made the blog:
- Firstly, I did this to share information about that I have gathered about leaving a healthy lifestyle.
- Secondly, to answer interested peoplee' questions "Where am I, and what I'm doing?"
- To see if I can gather any love for writhing. (I like slang, this was a problem even in school)

So I'm guessing there is more to come :)

Oh, I really hope so! I miss Katja so much doing the fashion shows and editorials, she was my favorite model, and still is.... And yeah, I said thank you via facebook about the blog, and she replied "It's nothing yet..." I hope she will update it now and then....
I was cheking her thread so often hoping for a comeback, but honestly it is great seeing that she coped well with the fashion bussines, she didn't turn into celeb like lets say Ambrossio, and she didn't collapse from all the fashion craziness.... She seems like a really smart girl, did well in fashion, and got out of it, to sign in a University....
But still I miss her beauty!
PS.Thank you for translation, google translated it well similar...hehe :)
Where does she live?

Does she want questions / ideas for posts, because I will definitely start giving her some, although I will post the question / idea here and someone will have to forward them to her?
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Where does she live?

Does she want questions / ideas for posts, because I will definitely start giving her some, although I will post the question / idea here and someone will have to forward them to her?

I guess she lives in Perm,Russia as it is stated so in her facebook profile. You can simply post your questions in her blog where she can see it! ;)
new entry ! in translation is the boss go to the holidays and explain what is good to travel in aircraft :p
is lovely her look so free and happy, hope possible have time read her recomendations (remember val)
This is what I read on Bellazon:
"She indeed IS African people. I met her at a afterparty closing NY fashionweek last week. Her father is hlf somali hlf yemeni and her mom is russian. She doesn' t know alot about her father. He left her when she was just 3 She told me that her father' s mother has a yemeni father and a somali mother and his dad (her grand pa) is full somali. pretty sad he left her though at least she got the good genes."

I so want to ask her if she really is half Somalian, on her blog, but since it is in Russian I just don't know how to post a comment in her blog! Help anyone? http://katyaska.blogspot.com/

PS. Why did I though that if black people mix with white the child is always black?!? Aren't those genes "stronger" then "white" ones?
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