Kimora tells us how it is

lady grey said:
* But perhaps the lowest point came when she supposedly had donuts delivered to the set, then licked each and every one so nobody else could eat them.

OMG... :rofl:
lady grey said:
March 28, 2005 -- NOW that Jules Asner and Kimora Lee Simmons' "Life & Style" TV show has been canned, stories are being told of donut-licking, lamp-stealing and other typical diva behavior. And controversy-magnet Kimora is first up in the line of fire.

According to a show insider, Kimora's antics drove the cast and crew crazy and contributed to the show's early demise. PAGE SIX has compiled some of the juicier accusations:

* Kimora missed 35 episodes and gave wild excuses — like being in extended mourning for her dead cat.

* Kimora's husband, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, was a repeated on-set nuisance who nagged producers to give his wife a bigger role.

* Kimora called the other hosts — Jules Asner, Cynthia Garrett and Lynne Koplitz — "b*tches and hos" and once berated a Teleprompter operator so badly that he quit on the spot.

* She stole props such as lamps and once made off with an entire rack of lamb from the lunch buffet table. Staff routinely had to be dispatched to the sticky-fingered star's dressing room in order to recover the pilfered booty.

* She forced producers to hire her and Russell's friends for costly no-show jobs, like a celebrity booker for $2,500 a week who never booked a single boldfaced name.

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* The statuesque former model also threatened to beat up an eight-month pregnant assistant, prompting weary producers to send the woman home to avert trouble.

* But perhaps the lowest point came when she supposedly had donuts delivered to the set, then licked each and every one so nobody else could eat them.

The insider also sniped that although Simmons acted like a diva, she didn't even deliver ratings. "Sony hired her to bring in the urban audience, but many in the urban community are turned off by her claims of being 'black,' " our source said. Kimora, who runs the Baby Phat clothing line, is part black and part Asian. Our source concluded: "Basically, the only reason they didn't fire her is because producers thought the publicity would be bad." Sort of like the show. Simmon's rep, Rob Shuter, tells PAGE SIX: "All these allegations are hurtful and false. Kimora has a dedicated team that she treats like family. She's the hardest-working woman in the business."

ny post pg 6 march 28 2005
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:....oh god, make the laughter stop!

And by the way Mr. Shuter, what business is Kimora in, cause last I checked you didn't get any job benefits being a media wh*re.
the title of this thread still makes me laugh every time i see it...
Spike413 said:
Jesus Kimora, first of all Russell aint all that honey and second, you must be the first celeb to sound like a guest on Jerry Springer, and that's sad for you....

God I can't stand this woman, someone just give her some bad botox so she can't leave the house ever again because of disfunctional facial muscles.

I just say shoot botox straight into the mouth muscle so that way she won't be able to talk. :heart:
Kimora is tacky and so are her BABY PHAT clothes. When I first discovered Baby Phat SOME of the clothes actually looked ok but now they are all just stolen ideas re-made to look tacky. Why does everyone have to copy the gucci logo bags and louis vuitton logo bags? What is up with that? And she doesn't even do it well.
The Vanity Fair article talked about how thin she was, and granted she's not fat by any stretch of the imagination. But, she is still a bit bigger than I'd expect her to be, since she is always talking about how thin she is.
I think Kimora is a hilarious media personality, almost like a caricature of a real person. I read that Vanity Fair article too and it sounded a lot like Russell is into this whole new "spiritual" and non-materialistic trip whereas Kimora is all about wanting to buy 150,000 dollar Birkins and so on. It's almost like a sitcom where Russell is mostly shaking his head at his crazy wife spending all of his money, so he tries to escape her by doing yoga and philanthropy.

The thing about the article though is that she mentions that Russell kept cheating on her with other women, even going so far as to make out with them while they were engaged. She was very young when she married him and I can understand why she spends his money like she's mad at it; hell, she deserves to if her husband was always stepping out on her. The article gives a lot of insight as to why she is the way she is--I think she's really unhappy with her marriage which is why she's always buying loads of stuff to compensate for it.
novaII said:
I think Kimora is a hilarious media personality, almost like a caricature of a real person. I read that Vanity Fair article too and it sounded a lot like Russell is into this whole new "spiritual" and non-materialistic trip whereas Kimora is all about wanting to buy 150,000 dollar Birkins and so on. It's almost like a sitcom where Russell is mostly shaking his head at his crazy wife spending all of his money, so he tries to escape her by doing yoga and philanthropy.

The thing about the article though is that she mentions that Russell kept cheating on her with other women, even going so far as to make out with them while they were engaged. She was very young when she married him and I can understand why she spends his money like she's mad at it; hell, she deserves to if her husband was always stepping out on her. The article gives a lot of insight as to why she is the way she is--I think she's really unhappy with her marriage which is why she's always buying loads of stuff to compensate for it.

I thought the vanity fair piece showed a huge gap between the personalities of kimora & russell. so much so that I thought it suggested their marriage is one of mutual benefit and image and lacking love except for their children.
when the 3 year old starting talking about the diamonds that she wanted, parroting kimora's conspicuous consumption, it was clear to me that kimora's values are thoroughly messed up and her influence on the young girls is pernicious. the writer presented a mixed to poor version of kimora, see how many examples are included of her shopping, spending money, diamonds, bags, clothes etc. it was not enviable it was a none-too-subtle critique of kimora's lifestyle & psychology.
the writer presented a mixed to poor version of kimora, see how many examples are included of her shopping, spending money, diamonds, bags, clothes etc. it was not enviable it was a none-too-subtle critique of kimora's lifestyle & psychology.

To a certain extent that's true, but I also think that the writer hinted that Kimora is so materialistic because she isn't a particularly happy person. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the impression that I got of Kimora from that article (after all of the revulsion died down, of course) is that she tries to create this image of herself as uber-fabulous in order to make up for her inadequacies in her personal life. I think a part of me is reluctant to believe that someone can really be that callous and shallow in real-life, but then again I just might be naive and can't grasp the scope of Kimora's greed.
novaII said:
I think a part of me is reluctant to believe that someone can really be that callous and shallow in real-life, but then again I just might be naive and can't grasp the scope of Kimora's greed.

I really think she is that shallow. She had plenty of chances to get out of that relationship before they married. Her friend, Tyra Banks. warned her not to date him. Russell was sending them the same bouquets and courting both of them at the same time. But, Kimora saw money signs and went with him.

What I can't believe is how much attention she needs. I've never seen anybody that self-absorbed.
nova, kimora's emotional unhappiness screamed from that article & that's why i say the author was actually presenting a vicious picture of her many failings. aside from her compulsive shopping, the materialistic values that she taught her children at 3 and 5 years old, was the most damning. it was a wildly unflattering profile & the writer also questioned the sincerity of kimora & russell's emotional bond.

tess, exactly that article was a psychological profile of kimora, you'll note that russell tried to stay out of her mania at every turn, the writer used events like shopping with kimora & quotes about her bragging about money, as examples of her frighteningly screwed up mindset. I saw russell with actress/model rebecca gayheart on long island a few years before he and kimora hooked up. I think kimora's quotes about him persuing models are true.
I think part of her obsession with money comes from wanting to build an over-the-top persona, a brand that's entirely fashioned out of conspicuous consumption. That's why Russell says that she's "doing the Kimora": a lot of it is a performance that verges on camp, I think. I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm wildly amused by Kimora's antics like I am amused by Patsy and Edina: equal parts horrified and amused. Reading these parts of the article made me laugh out loud:

Of her show Life & Style: "I hate it!" she told me. "I thought it would be fun! I'm not used to having a boss. I'm the boss. I don't need the money. I'm filthy f*cking rich!"

"I will beat a b*tch's ***!" Kimora says of any woman who dares flirt with her husband, the famous Russell, a hip-hop icon for 25 years...

..."Let me take off my glasses," she says, removing her large frames. "I want you to see my eyes. I will beat a b*tch's ***!"

I love the title of the article too: "Unbearable Fabulosity"
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Well she just donated $75,000 to the Harvey-Milk High School. I thought that was nice. doing what she could for the community from the closet.

LMAO @ "I will beat a b*tch's ***" and Kimora calling Jules Asner and the other hosts "b*tches and hoes"...too funny...
Fashion Puss said:
Taken from

BABY PHAT designer Kimora Lee Simmons won't put up with anyone flirting with her husband, Russell Simmons. "I will beat a b*tch's ***," she says. "I don't play that disrespectful ho. I have very little respect for those kinds of women. And if I catch you with my man, disrespecting, I will beat your ***."

What a classy lassy.


I love her and i have to agree with this( although me stealing Chad Michael Murray away from his new wife is my exception to this ruleB) )

Why does some girl have a right to come a flirt with another womens guy? How many of you can honestly say that you would not want to beat her????
My ex was super jealous and even though it was annoying, i kind of tried to understand...i's not like your other half is your property, but they should be satisfied with you and only you....although, if you have seen Russell Simmons, Kimora has nothing to worry about.......:innocent:


At her wedding to Russell Simmons, she changed her vows to 'for richer or richer.'
The Vanity Fair article made it sound like she was actually Korean/Black instead of Japanese/Black. Why would she lie about that?

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