she's really, really beautiful but seeing her all glamed up and then reading that she's only 19 and married makes me realize how very young all these models are- it's like something you know, but only realize when it's put in perspective. From her actions to the way she carries herself, i gain a totally new amount of respect for models like Tanya, Chanel etc. who began when they were 15/16 y/o; this isn't necessarily a negative critique on Kylie's behalf, but it's just really obvious from how she's acted at VSFS09 that she's had very little experience with modeling and the modeling world in general. Her face can't take much make up because she's actually a very young, fresh looking girl. She reminds me of Toni Garrn a bit.
So is she officially an angel now that she won that contest? And where was it airing? Was it only an online thing?