I also think that consumerism isn't bad at all. Consumerism is what's keeping the global economy up and running I think. People spend billions of dollars/euros/yens whatever on consumerative products every year. It's really nothing new, it has always been like that - or at least for the past century. It is undeniably a big part of this society and undeniably an essential for the economy. What the stars wear is what we the retailers think is supposed to be worn, so it ends up in the stores and gets sold 'als zoete broodjes' (like sweet bread) as us Dutch folks would call it. It's happening right now, happened 10 years ago and will always keep on happening. And to me, that is not a bad thing at all. It's all about interpretation to me. When you buy something that just oozes consumerism it's not hard at all to completely costumize it to your own taste. By styling, by reconfigurating, by adding and taking away. So there will always be personal style. Sadly enough, there are a lot of people who just follow the herd and buy whatever she's wearing and wear it the exact same way. It's more common these days than actual stand-outs in fashion on the street. Which I kind of pitty actually. And with this game of herd-following the game of logo-following comes soon. When she wears LV and you must too, then you will. And if another sees you wear it, she'll think it's totally hot and do the same, et cetera. It's kind of a viceous circle and as EllaH pointed out, an indication of what our fashion/society (yes, fashion is an indicator of society) is heading to these days: name and fame instead of quality. Which I too, pitty.