Lillian Gish

Here's on of my favorites: Gish wearing Fortuny


Taken form my flickr... Sorry I can't get it bigger
Ms. Gish was known to be a loyal client of Mariano Fortuny...what good taste!
cute as a button! :heart::woot:
thank you lucyinthesky :flower:

pics fr ebay


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and the last pic with her sister dorothy



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more lillian..:p

fanpix, ebay/postcardsworld


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I have a few to unseen enemy 1912 - book- my scan2.jpg

an unseen enemy2 - 1912-  book my scan3.jpg

diane of the follies 10- book my scan 15.jpg

fury 1925- with richard barthelmess - book- my scan4.jpg

her mother's oath- photosuite- book- my scan1.jpg

the wind1- 1928 - book- my scan7.jpg Pic 1 & 2: Movie- An Unseen Enemy 1912 Pic. 3- Cecil Beaton photo - ballgown created by Henri Bendel Pic. 4 Movie - Fury 1923 with Richard Barthelmess Pic 5 - Movie - Her Mother's Oath 1913 Pic 6 - Movie- The Wind 1928 with Lars Hanson All the above scanned from book - Dorothy & Lillian Gish by Lillian Gish - Charles Scribner & Sons - 1973
Ooooh! Just a few more....broken blossoms1919  book my scan.jpg

diane of the follies2 photosuite  - book- my scan10.jpg

early PR pic  photosuite book my scan.jpg

Ramola 1924 book my scan.jpg

the enemy2 1928 book my scan.jpg Pic 1 - Movie- Broken Blossoms 1919 Pic 2 - Movie - Diane of the Follies 1916 Pic 3 - early Biograph pr photo Pic 4 - Movie - Ramola 1924 Pic 5- Movie - The Enemy 1928 - All Scanned from Book "Dorothy & Lillian Gish" by Lillian Gish 1973 Charles Scribner & Sons
In 1971 at the Academy Award Show, Melvyn Douglas said, "High time we dedicated something to her. And so, to Lillian Gish who has touched all our lives with her gifts, her dignity, her funny little smile, and her immense invulnerability, the members of the Academy Award and millions and millions of people in the audience say, 'You have taught and keep teaching us that time is an ally, that laughter and tears co-exist, that your starring light is luminous and gentle, yet pierces the darkness.'....Come and get your long overdue Oscar, Miss Gish - Miss Lillian Gish - Miss Lillian - Lillian..." (so cute!)The Sisters 1914 book my scan.jpg

The Wind gun 1928 book my scan.jpg

The Wind 1928 portrait book my scan.jpgSource: Pic 1 - Movie- The Sisters 1914 Pic 2&3- Movie- The Wind 1928 All Scanned by me from the 1973 autobiography "Dorothy & Lillian Gish" by Lillian Gish - Charles Scribner & Sons
I just really like this picture of Miss Lillian....vogue uk june 1991 75 years supplement issue.jpg Source: Vogue UK - June 1991 Supplement Vogue 75 Years 1916-1991- Scanned by Me:heart:
her costumes are soooo beautiful.

the costumes are really the only reason why i watch b/w silent films
That's one reason, I suppose. But I watch them because Pre-Hayes Code, some of the plots are mondo beyondo. And sometimes, terrific imagination. Check out Alraune with Brigette Helm some time. Wild premise. But I digress - I like silents for many reasons. And Lillian went through a lot of physical endurance. Way Down East - I thought she was going to float away from us forever. Filmed in one take! Several film crew staff died from pneumonia, incidenally. Lillian had great stamina. Acting for D.W. was not for the faint of heart!
I just found a great picture. I hope you can discern the image. You can get the really hi rez pic from doctor macro. But her look is withering...lillian & ronald colman  phs romola dr macro.jpg Source:
Some lovely Lillian pics. (Broken Blossoms has to be the saddest movie ever!)broken blossom flickr 864600279_2c6f1938ac.jpg

broken blossoms tea flickr com rosewithoutathorn photostream.jpg

lillian wonderful pic fiercelyfashionable blogspot com.jpg

Gish65  phs silentladies com.jpg

someone's portrait of her outside a mtg rm flickr com today is a good day photostream.jpg Sources: Pic ! &2 - movie "Broken Blossoms" - rosewithoutathorn photostream Pic 3 - Pic 4 - Pic 5 - today is a good day photostream
Quick question to anyone out there - how did "Broken Blossoms" end? Did the pugilist father go to jail? Was justice served finally. (Probably not.)

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