L'Officiel Hommes 12 : Garrett Neff by Milan Vukmirovic

OMG>.. THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE SCAN AAAHHHH!!!! so many pages of Garrett. i feel like im about to explode...

BY THE WAY, does anyone know if i can get that magazine in the US??? New York?????!!! anybody!!!!!?????
who is this Milan Vukmirovic ?? I cannot figure out.....

Milan Vukmirovic, I believe, used to work as a buyer for Collette in Paris..Either buyer or manager or "creative director" or something "big" w/ that boutique..Most notably, he was the designer for Jil Sander in the early part of the 00's, i.e.: first Jil, then Milan, then Jil again, then Raf..(if you remember the collection styled a la Clockwork Orange, that was him)..

But back to the magazine..Um, nice edits (Lord knows I love me some Garrett), but I cant help but wonder, "if this is supposed to be a mens fashion magazine, where exactly is the fashion?" Or is that question even relevant w/ this magazine?

Anyways, thank for posting Neps..Good job, m'dear :D
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thanks for the info, eugenius.
seeing the review reminds me of films with suspicious credits.. 'directed by clint eastwood..', '..produced by clint eastwood..' '..starring clint eastwood'..I almost feel like the viewer shouldn't be me.. but clint eastwood too. :ninja:

don't believe the forced variety of this. and none of the eds seem like they could've survived on their own either. -_-

thanks for all the pics, Royal!.
Milan Vukmirovic, I believe, used to work as a buyer for Collette in Paris..Either buyer or manager or "creative director" or something "big" w/ that boutique..Most notably, he was the designer for Jil Sander in the early part of the 00's, i.e.: first Jil, then Milan, then Jil again, then Raf..(if you remember the collection styled a la Clockwork Orange, that was him)..

:lol::lol:.... Thanks, but I already know all this....
that was mostly ironic!
And he is a sort of co-founder of Colette (he was there in the beginning with Sarah and Colette)

oh and I agree about the rest of your post....
I don't buy this mag anymore for a long long time.... It's boring to death, Milan is there for every issue shotting and styling EVERYTHING!
He's now even @ L'Officiel....
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:lol::lol:.... Thanks, but I already know all this....
that was mostly ironic!
And he is a sort of co-founder of Colette (he was there in the beginning with Sarah and Colette)


So thats what the smilies meant .... I shudve know when you posted a ninja one

who is this Milan Vukmirovic ?? I cannot figure out.....
i haven't noticed this at first. shouldn't they skip from l'officiel to something like l'vukmiriel? not that he's not good enough, i just find it a bit weird.
and MulletProof's note on Clint Eastwood was just hilarious! it made my day!
I love the Shadows edit! The Prada fall clothes are so sexy.

OMG>BY THE WAY, does anyone know if i can get that magazine in the US??? New York?????!!! anybody!!!!!?????

In Texas L'Officiel Hommes is available at Barnes & Noble, though this issue isn't out here yet. I imagine it would be even more widely available in New York.
does anyone mind scanning Garrett's beauty ed. & Chad's ed pretty please? :buzz:
i would give you ALL my karma points :rofl: :innocent:
Part of Garrett's La Beaute Du Diable editorial (along with scans of a few other editorials--all incomplete, I think--from this issue of L'Officiel Hommes) can be found at this blog.
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^chad white's editorial isn't scanned there, but thanks! :flower:

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