Lyndsey Scott

WEEERRQQQ Lyndsey for the DKNY Resort. I mean it's not the "best" but atleast she's getting booked.

And 25 shows, I knew I saw her face an awful lot!
So I got my December Elle today and I realized that Lyndsey is cropped out of the image... does anyone know if she actually made it into the campaigns that got printed?? I'd be very dissapointed if she didn't


She's looking kind of ....shine-y on the runway, not her fault though. Stunning none-the-less!
I feel like something of great merit is headed her way..i just have that feeling..let's hope i'm right! :magic:
hmm..i'm not sure how I feel about that picture. she hardly looks like herself. :(
can someone else go thru the motions of trying to attach a picture my button doesn't work for ie or ff and i cleared the cache and everything
That ad looks completely strange, especially for a make-up ad.

That's what they get for trying to mess with perfection though!
ummm, i went to MAC today and i saw the ad and it does not look that photoshopped. in fact, I knew who it was right when i saw the face.
the picture from the MAC ad (the one posted on here) is definitely
photoshopped, and by someone who clearly needs a lot more practice
the MAC camapign looks amazing :) Lyndsey has such a beautiful face, I love the earthy tones in the image

I think the MAC campaign is OK.
I was already happy she had a job...without hardly any editorials out last 6 months, I was wondering what to expect... however she still gets some nice money jobs.... good on her...
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