Making Shoes Bigger / Smaller ??


Dec 22, 2005
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I have a pair of gold Chanel pumps that have been resting in my closet for a couple of years, because they're too small for me (they're a 37A, I'm a 37.5-38B in Chanel) During Christmas I had a friend over who could fit in the shoes, and I told her she could have them but she wouldn't take them since "they're Chanel" :blink: I assume she meant they were too expensive to give away or something, but it really is a sin against humanity for these shoes not to be worn :flower: So anyway, both she and another friend (who've both worked at a shoe store) thought that the shoes could be made bigger (I think the word they used were to "block" the shoes out or something ?) and I'm wondering if any of you know if this is possible with a pair of gold leather pumps? Wouldn't it make cracks in the gold or something? Does anyone have any experience with this?

The pumps need to go if I can't make them fit me (I can get them on, but they make my feet look like a beached whale) :cry:
The only way I know is to stuff them with wet newspaper.

As it dries it expands and stretches the leather slightly - I presume you could do it several times to get the desired size, but don't kill me if it doesn't work.

Failing that, give them to me. They're my size :wink:

Good luck!
PrincessProzac said:
The only way I know is to stuff them with wet newspaper.

As it dries it expands and stretches the leather slightly - I presume you could do it several times to get the desired size, but don't kill me if it doesn't work.

Failing that, give them to me. They're my size :wink:

Good luck!

Sure thing :P
My friends said that I had to get it done by a professional, though. But I'm not eager to go there, because the one time I did they couldn't help me (replacing a broken zipper on a Mulberry wallet) or my mom (with a heel that had fallen off) I'm also worried about the fact that they are gold, I don't wanna risk cracks in the color :blink:
What I've used is wearing damp wooly socks in the shoes. It's a good technique for stretching leather. Try and wear them and walk around at home. Just do this a few times letting the leather breathe in between so it doesn't get soaked. Hope this helps!
Sell them and buy a pair that fits. Stretching shoes and such like will only compromise the leather and the finish.
I have the same thing with a pair of louboutins. I wore them a few times thinking I could amke them work but my toes are squished in to the point where I dont think it's healthy.

I think it depends on the leather, but you may be able to have them stretched out, I've had it done with boots around the calf area. See if you have a shoe maker in the area and he should be able to tell you if it can be done :smile:
cakesniffer said:
What I've used is wearing damp wooly socks in the shoes. It's a good technique for stretching leather. Try and wear them and walk around at home. Just do this a few times letting the leather breathe in between so it doesn't get soaked. Hope this helps!

That sounds like a good idea, if only I could fit both my feet and socks in the shoes :cry:
dizzydog said:
Sell them and buy a pair that fits. Stretching shoes and such like will only compromise the leather and the finish.

That's what I thought :cry:
I can't find a pair like them, though. They're gold Chanel pumps with rhinestone CC's on the front.

Guessgirl96 said:
I have the same thing with a pair of louboutins. I wore them a few times thinking I could amke them work but my toes are squished in to the point where I dont think it's healthy.

I think it depends on the leather, but you may be able to have them stretched out, I've had it done with boots around the calf area. See if you have a shoe maker in the area and he should be able to tell you if it can be done :smile:

I'm going to take your advice and go ask the shoe maker, and if nothing can be done I'm going to do what dizzydog suggested and sell them :cry:

karma for both of you (unless it tells me to spread some reputation around again, I hate when it does that :P )
Keya where do you live?
I know of an amazing shoe repair in the New York.
I have never stretched shoes, so I am not really sure what they would do to a pair of shoes, but I can suggest finding a better shoe repair and/or calling Chanel for their advice.
I had a pair of Louboutins where the leather on the heel tore due to a cobble street....after only a few times weating them! :( I took them to a Louboutin boutique and they sent them out to be repaired. I had to pay since I had purchased the shoes at Saks and not the CL boutique, but the SA promised me that this repair shop was the best and that although Saks would probably repair them for free they wouldn't do as well of a job.
I couldn't even believe when I got the shoes back. You can only slightly see where the heel was repaired....but only looking at the heel VERY closely. They even polished the red soles to look brand new! :smile:
If you live near NYC I can get you the name of this shop....if you don't live near NYC you could perhaps contact your nearest Chanel store; perhaps they can suggest a shoe repair near you.
However if you do live in the US, maybe you could even send the shoes to this repair shop in New York.
Hope this helps....
Mona13 said:
Keya where do you live?
I know of an amazing shoe repair in the New York.
I have never stretched shoes, so I am not really sure what they would do to a pair of shoes, but I can suggest finding a better shoe repair and/or calling Chanel for their advice.
I had a pair of Louboutins where the leather on the heel tore due to a cobble street....after only a few times weating them! :( I took them to a Louboutin boutique and they sent them out to be repaired. I had to pay since I had purchased the shoes at Saks and not the CL boutique, but the SA promised me that this repair shop was the best and that although Saks would probably repair them for free they wouldn't do as well of a job.
I couldn't even believe when I got the shoes back. You can only slightly see where the heel was repaired....but only looking at the heel VERY closely. They even polished the red soles to look brand new! :smile:
If you live near NYC I can get you the name of this shop....if you don't live near NYC you could perhaps contact your nearest Chanel store; perhaps they can suggest a shoe repair near you.
However if you do live in the US, maybe you could even send the shoes to this repair shop in New York.
Hope this helps....

Ah, I wish I lived in NY, but I don't. I'm in Europe and there is no Chanel boutique anywhere near where I live (it's an overnight trip away)
I do know of a shoe maker, though, but I don't think they're very good. But I'll go ask them what they think, and if not the shoes will end up on ebay :cry: (after all, my friend did say no to taking them, it's her loss. I'm not going to beg her to take them :lol: )
Last week I was at YSL on 57th with a friend and she tried on a pair of bronze leather bow pumps. The left foot was too tight, so the SA had them streched out for I believe gold leather could be streched out as well.
seeing_double said:
Last week I was at YSL on 57th with a friend and she tried on a pair of bronze leather bow pumps. The left foot was too tight, so the SA had them streched out for I believe gold leather could be streched out as well.

Wow, that's good news! Thanks! :D
now do any of you knwo how to make an open toe sandal SMALLER? ....
meowmix said:
now do any of you knwo how to make an open toe sandal SMALLER? ....

Now that's a tricky one :lol:
I guess you'll just have to take them to the shoe maker and ask if there's anything he can do. Good luck.
:lol: i suppose i shall just have to hope my feet swell up really badly in the summertime
I want to know how to make my peep toe sheos smaller too, I so badly need to fit into them! :lol: This is the ONLY time I wish my feet were bigger..
If you take shoes that are too big to a good shoe repair place they can add padding under the leather insole so that your foot doesn't slip forward so much and stays in the shoe.

As for stretching at 37A to a 37.5-38B, I think you might have problems since the width of the shoe is cut smaller than normal (ie narrow instead of medium) so the stretching that you get still might not amount to a B. I would take the shoes to a reputable shoe repair place and see what they say.
i'm inclined to go to the shoe repair place and have them just chop a centimeter off the shoe :lol:
the boutique in nyc offered to have that padding added for me, but i was hesitant as i've never tried the shoe on... but any reputable shoe repair place should do a good job, right? it's a satin shoe
snickerdoodles said:
If you take shoes that are too big to a good shoe repair place they can add padding under the leather insole so that your foot doesn't slip forward so much and stays in the shoe.

Ooh, I wish I'd known this sooner, I too have a pair of sandals that are too big in the front.

As for stretching at 37A to a 37.5-38B, I think you might have problems since the width of the shoe is cut smaller than normal (ie narrow instead of medium) so the stretching that you get still might not amount to a B. I would take the shoes to a reputable shoe repair place and see what they say.

I've been thinking the same thing. I can get my feet in the shoe, but it makes them look like they're obese and trying to fit into a size 00 :blush:
It's not very comfortable. But I will take them to the shoe maker the next time I'm in the area. I just don't want to ruin the shoes, I'd rather give them to my friend or sell them. Ah well :smile:
meowmix said:
i'm inclined to go to the shoe repair place and have them just chop a centimeter off the shoe :lol:
the boutique in nyc offered to have that padding added for me, but i was hesitant as i've never tried the shoe on... but any reputable shoe repair place should do a good job, right? it's a satin shoe

Ooh, what kind of satin shoe? I'm dying to get a pair of pink dior satin shoes, but when I was going to order them they didn't have them anymore. Plus, I don't really wear pink that much :P

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