Marina Alonso

in the first page I love her close-up face shoots..adorable.

source: Luis Domingo facebook
she's amazing.
after marina perez i was looking forward to some new talent
I interviewed her for my blog

Marina Alonso

Valencia, Spain.

Are you signed in an agency or do you find your work by yourself?
My agency is View Management

What are the pros and cons of both? (having an agency and not)
You can't be a model if you don't have an agency that helps you improve, and finds jobs for you.

How were your beginnings?
About two years ago, in Valencia.

What was your first modelling job?
Hmm... a Montesinos & Co haute couture show in Valencia.

Is it difficult to keep up with your studies?
So far, it's not very difficult. I always work on holidays or I choose weeks that I can skip school.

At this moment, being so young is a positive or a negative thing?
Both. On the one hand, there are people who love new and young faces, and on the other hand, there are those who don't. Outside Spain they prefer the first option. Anyway, someday I won't be that young.

Do you think that the age limit for certain fashion weeks is necessary?
I'd prefer if the age limit in Madrid were 16 years, like in the rest of fashion weeks.

Do you have to be a certain size/weight?
Not exactly, you have to look good, and even if it's kind of a cliché, it's all about proportions. Your aspect depends on the kind of work you do, commercial or fashion...

What's the hardest part of your career?
The beginnings.

Do you want to be a professional model (well, you are now), or is it a temporary thing?
I know what I want to study, and if it goes well I'd like to combine both things.

Who's the model you most admire? Why?
Marina Pérez, because she has gained her success with perseverance.

For which photographer you'd like to pose?
Not just one...

What's your dream as a model?
I don't have a dream in this, I'll do what I can...

What's the thing about modelling that you enjoy the most: editorials, runway... why?
I love both, I enjoy them equally. An editorial is like telling a short story and play a part, in the fashion shows you get the adrenaline going.
the second girl could be Marina?

Lola Cuello (Valencia)

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