Marina Jamieson

She is very beautiful, here is an editorial from Vogue España March 07, first I thought it was Barbara Garcia, they look similar.:blush:
Y se hizo el milagro Ph. Ralph Wenig, Fashion Editor: Bárbara Martelo. (Scanned by me)

Love the Hussein Chalayan dresses.:heart:
saw her on TV this afternoon!

On the catwalk is Marina Jamieson from Spain. She started modelling 10 months ago, at 19 years of age. When I caught up with her later, she described just how cut-throat modelling can be.
MARINA JAMIESON, MODEL: Most people don't know that you're out here, like, luchando, which is, like, battling the field to get to the top. Some agencies prefer younger girls like 13 or 14. The youngest girl I have seen was 11 and she was from Brazil. All of them are mostly chosen because they look fresh, and they're like virgins. They have virgin hair - like, nobody has ever touched their hair colour, or hair cut, or face.
REPORTER: Is there a pressure to try and be thinner?
MARINA JAMIESON: There is a bit of pressure because there is always going to be a skinnier model and a more beautiful model.
Following the death of the Brazilian, everyone's talking of banning so-called size 0 models - approximately the size of a healthy 7-year-old. That's a problem for Marina, because she's size 0.
MARINA JAMIESON: I saw in the newspaper yesterday that London decided to not use size 0 models like in Madrid. But I don't know if it's for sure or not.
For this season, Marina needn't worry. Although the organisers of London Fashion Week insist no size 0 models will be used, there's no enforcement. The industry prefers self-regulation. So Marina can do her thing, and says skinny is beautiful.
MARINA JAMIESON: If you can tell by their face that they’re sick, that is not good, they need hospital help. But so many girls are so skinny in the show and they're so beautiful, with their face It's just naturally lean.
(another size 0 debate :rolleyes:)

but she looked SOO wonderful on camera, a 1000x more beautiful!!!:buzz:

i hope she does really well because she's absolutely stunning and came accross as very sweet:heart:.
on tv??

ooohh u saw me on tv??? i remember doing an interview during london fashion week in london, in a park with a really nice lady from australia, she said she was doing sum sort of did it turn out? and wat was in it, soooo cooolll!!!!^_^

you guys are so nice...n im glad u like my pictures..i have many many many more....and more coming out...i just came out in Surface magazine and View of the well as Stradivarius campaign(spanish mark) was quite funn...but anywho who are all of u? tell me abit bout urselfss!!??
marinacjamieson said:
ooohh u saw me on tv??? i remember doing an interview during london fashion week in london, in a park with a really nice lady from australia, she said she was doing sum sort of did it turn out? and wat was in it, soooo cooolll!!!!^_^

you guys are so nice...n im glad u like my pictures..i have many many many more....and more coming out...i just came out in Surface magazine and View of the well as Stradivarius campaign(spanish mark) was quite funn...but anywho who are all of u? tell me abit bout urselfss!!??

Marina :heart: You have such a lovely voice!!

You can see the video of the interview here. It's about the size zero debate.

SBS Dateline - Bones of Contention
gorgeous editorial! Pity she can't do fashion week in her own country :(
Marina it went great on camera!

You spoke really well (love your accent) came accross as really genuine and sweet!

Cant WAIT to see more of your work :buzz:

i think you're going places hun :bounce:

Marina in Stradivarius s/s07 campaign

Look what I found by chance :D

Observer Magazine (unknown date)
Photographer: Stefano Galuzzi






From the current issude of D magazine
http://images7.************/thumbs/7e/ http://images7.************/thumbs/46/ http://images7.************/thumbs/ad/ http://images7.************/thumbs/a7/ http://images7.************/thumbs/f0/
wow, thank U so much everyone, she's got such a stunning attitude :woot: :heart:
and I love her voice :crush:
I've seen her talking about size 0 models in a video, is it posted here?
love the way she and Alison talked in that video, sounds very clever and honest !

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