Marina Perez

Citizen K España



Odette said:
She doesn´t want to go to Paris, but she has to go!

That's what I thought she said but in retrospect I misheard on purpose. I wonder what she has against Paris.

tortoisie said:
What is she wearing there? Who designed that thing?

The off-the-shoulder exposed boob is Jose Miro Spring 2004 in Madrid.
motaman8165 said:
^I love that ed and berkeleygrrrl i love yur avatar.
thank you! her name's kori, haven't been able to find out much about her, actually, found her on models of the moment and was smitten ^_^
luv your different signatures, btw :flower:
Rare pics!I´ve got some avatars with Marina HOPE i could post them,they´re similar to mine
hugobossdaria said:
as much work as shes getting i dont think shes 5'6
neither do i. however, she looks fairly short compared to the rest of the models, at least i've noticed that in the videos. then again, the newcomers are like 6'5:p
hugobossdaria said:
wow!! 6'5 !!

i'am just playing i think you mean 5'6
:lol: nonono, i was referring to relatively new girls like caroline trentini, hana, tiiu, vlada?..they're all huge and compared to them, Marina comes off as 'short'..
Una española que arrasa

Por Carmen Caro

Desde que las revistas de moda españolas le dieron una oportunidad, Gaudí y Cibeles siempre cuentan con ella. De hecho, en su cv destaca el Premio L'Oreal a la Mejor Modelo que le otorgó esta firma cosmética junto con la pasarela madrileña.

Ahora, es una de las modelos más requeridas en las pasarelas internacionales y en su agenda es muy complicado que haya huecos libres: ¡no para de trabajar!

Además, ha sido protagonista de las campañas de marcas con mucho tirón como Massimo Dutti, Loewe, Jimmy Choo y Dolce & Gabbana entre otras.

For those who speak spanish!
I'm sorry for the fans (they're gonna hate me!) but I don't think she's beautiful, maybe, this is not my kind of beauty...

And I just think her ears are too big...
too lazy to search

MulletProof said:
:lol: nonono, i was referring to relatively new girls like caroline trentini, hana, tiiu, vlada?..they're all huge and compared to them, Marina comes off as 'short'..
how tall is vlada. i wdn't have guessed she was hana's height. (sorry to get off topic for a moment ^_^ )

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