Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
imgmodelsWhat charities and/or social causes are you involved with or passionate about? Why?
Mpora Rural Family Home in Kichwamba, western Uganda serves as an orphanage and sponsor for children from poor families in the area. For as long as I can remember my family and friends have been dedicated to improving the facilities of the home. I love playing my part in contributing.
If you were given $500 cash and free unlimited limousine service for 24 hours, where would you want your driver to take you?
I would pick up all my friends and drive around Tokyo endlessly, admiring all the lights and skyscrapers until the sun lit up the sky again. I would spend the $500 on a big supply of sushi and sashimi.
What is the most exciting sports event you’ve ever attended?
I attended the training of the Dutch National soccer team and got to meet all the players.
If you could have 50 pounds of anything other than money, what would you want?
That's an easy question for a Dutchie: liquorice!
If you could become instantly fully enlightened on any one subject, which subject would you choose?
I would definitely choose the Renaissance. I was fascinated by this ever since I lived in Italy as a child.