Martine Sitbon Files For Chapter 11

ohhh noooooo :cry:
I love her stuffs!
I have a few skirts by her that I absolutely adore!!!! :heart: :cry:
Originally posted by marrimoda@Aug 23 2004, 03:58 AM
I choose to think that most times what needs to happen ...happens...and better comes along. These challenges are lessons. Thats my point of view.

absolutely a positive viewpoint marrimoda ;)
I only just saw this - last week I made a special trip to Rue de Grenelle to see her shop only to find it was closed & there was a bunch of mail lying at the door. I then noticed that there was no show at the paris collections from Martine. This is so sad she has been around for so long. How can she go to the wall when talentless wonders are coining it in (I will name no names)? her clothes were so lovely. I really liked them

does anyone have an update on whether she has found funding?

Big business just sucks the life out of everything good & real....
<edit-this is an english language fashion site...please do not posts personal links>
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yonasadha - this is all in some foreign language & the only bit in eglish makes me think that its dodgy. Can you explain?
If you look at all Yonasadha's posts so far, that's all she's written. Someone needs to block her, I've just sent a note to softgrey.
helena said:
yonasadha - this is all in some foreign language & the only bit in eglish makes me think that its dodgy. Can you explain?

It's Polish , perhaps nqth could help , if he's online . :huh:
thanks kit. I haven't seen nqth today though. but i think it might be dodgy.
Arturo21 said:
If you look at all Yonasadha's posts so far, that's all she's written. Someone needs to block her, I've just sent a note to softgrey.

i'm on it...thx...
Really too bad, I thought Sitbon stuff had potential.
I saw a picture from her S/S 2005 showroom presntation, it looked very good, I think it was in jalouse.
thanks spacemui - she muststill be working then....
I am here:-) But I think I've def. missed something

Sorry for off-topic. It's a troll, that's what we call that kind of people on our polish boards. The link leads to a blog, pretensiously uninteresting.
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thnaks nqth. Bad TRoll!

have you got the scoop on Martine Sitbon then?
You are welcome:-)

I don't understand you, sorry:-) If you meant what she wrote, no. I just looked thru her 4 posts. One post was not deleted and has a link to the blog page.
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no I didn't mean that Nqth. I meant do you know anything about whether Martine Sitbon is still designing or not?
OK, I should have guessed that:-)

But I am sorry I don't know about this. It is a shame I even don't know much about her work. Just one picture sticks in my mind when I saw it in Vogue years a go, with arm warmers, and v. intensive darkblue and red.

I hope that she will find the way to keep her fashion going on.

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