The flawless Norwegian
Merethe graces our second New Faces feature this week. After being active in Europe for a short period, she is now ready to take on the shows of NYC for the first time. We proudly call her our very own
Jean Seberg, but that is not only because of the hair - Merethe's chic elegance and delicate beauty makes her an automatic standout in every room.
1) How would you describe New York?
Energetic, busy, nice and beautiful (In a strange way).
2) What are you wearing to stay warm in these freezing temperatures?
Wool socks! And since I don't have much hair on my head right now, my first priority for staying warm is a hat and a big scarf.
3) What is your favorite word? Least favorite word?
My favorite word in English is "wonderful." It's such a beautiful word! My least favorite word is in Norwegian: AGURK (It means cucumber, in case you are wondering).
4) What was the last movie you watched? What did you think about it?
The Tourist, and I was disappointed. Johnny - what were you thinking?
5) What was the best birthday gift you ever received?
Once I got a big double bed from my mom and dad. I love that bed - it's one of the things I miss the most when I'm traveling. It's so huge and soft and long (So my feet don't stick out)!
6) Tell us the FIRST thing that comes to mind when you see each of the following words:
Black -
Models -
long legs :S
Coffee -
Yummy...give me a venti soy Americano with syrup please! I'm a BIG COFFEE LOVER.
Marilyn -
Smiling, lovely people! You guys are so wonderful! (Thanks <3 We try!)
Rabbit -
Sneezing! I am so allergic
Runway -
Art, GLAM!!!
Snow -
Home, skiing, snowboarding, beautiful mountains, happiness. I love snow!
Door -
The door to Narnia