Misha Patel

Catch up time with Misha Patel at Elite Models London after the JW Anderson AW13 show! Misha is already featured in our fourth issue "A Place Called Youth", so make sure you check back in for a preview from the editorial.

Hi Misha, how are you?
Very good thanks.

Good, how was the JW Anderson show?
Great, there were some nice clothes in it.

What were you wearing?
I had a white jumper on with a big blue dot in the middle.

The invite had that design on it.

Was it the signature piece?

I think the whole block colour was quite a signature thing. What did you think about the collection?
Interesting yeah, lots of stuff which women can wear. Like the knee-high boots.

Have you done any other shows over the London Collections?
Yeah I’ve done Lee Roach and Meadham Kirchhoff.

So what’s next, are you going to go to Milan?
No I’m going back to Bristol to go back to uni. I’m not going to Paris or Milan, too much Uni work at the moment..

Tell us what’s new with you then.
I’ve got a girlfriend now.

Oh you’ve got a girlfriend now, no long single? Dammit haha. What’s that like?
It’s great haha.

Amazing. What are you studying?
English Literature.

Oh I did that for A-level.
What did you get?

I got an A.
So did I.

I scrapped it by two marks.

Snap! Thanks Misha.


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