Models Pedaru, Jagodzinska and Cywinska sue Next Management

I think Karmen it actually 2-3 years older than what she is said to be, a lot of Next models are older than their media ages.

I think it's quite possible she is the age she claims to be (20 atm). Karmen at 16 is obviously baby-ish in the face and if you go through her thread you can see how her face matures from this to when she broke through at 18 to now.
^What do you mean?

The girl I feel more bad for is definately Karmen.. Being cheated out of 400,000 and being told by the agency to shut up and be "grateful for being made into a star" is total BS if you ask me.. Your supposed to take commission, not her entire salary!!
omg just read about that, it's awful! hope the girls win this case ^_^
Modeling agencies sue one another over claims of poaching

The hottest new trend in the fashion industry? Lawsuits.
Over the past few months, as New York models have defected from one agency to another in the hopes of breaking through an increasingly crowded market, a raft of high-profile suits have been filed in city courts. Top agencies such as Next, Ford, Click and Wilhelmina are suing one another for hundreds of thousands of dollars over claims of model poaching.
They're also suing the models themselves for breach of contract; the models, in turn, are countersuing their former agencies, claiming they've been swindled out of earnings.

"I've never heard of this happening with top-tier agencies," one working model, who asked not to be identified, told The Post. "Usually, if a girl no longer wants to be with an agency, the agency doesn't want her there, either."


"I'm less sure that the agencies are poaching than the girls are moving," said Kelly Cutrone, founder of fashion p.r. firm People's Revolution.
Cutrone finds the current spate of intra-agency lawsuits -- at least five involving five models have been filed in Manhattan courts in the last seven months -- puzzling.
"You don't see CAA crying all the time if they lose an actor to William Morris," she said. "It's free enterprise. Contracts don't mean s- - -. They're semi-binding agreements for people who have the money to go to court. No one wants any of these cases to get in front of a jury. It's a game -- time-out the other person and drain all their money."
Photogenic teenagers should start aiming to become law professionals instead of models, because that's where the real money is going to be made.
Photogenic teenagers should start aiming to become law professionals instead of models, because that's where the real money is going to be made.

It must be no more than 20 models today who make more than a US physician. Anna J seems to make about half of what a sought after physician makes.
^ That's only what she's owed though, isn't it? It doesn't account for all her earnings. And Anna J. has been on a bit of a break compared to that comeback where she had like 5 campaigns in a season.

They can't be doing too bad, since quite a few of them live in million dollar homes, and not just the top tier models or supermodels, but still successful, e.g. Heather Marks ($1.35 million), Shannan Click ($1.7 million), Maryna Linchuk ($1.1 million)... Models like Gemma Ward and Coco Rocha obviously had pricier homes (from the model apartments thread). Not that all models are millionaires but you don't have to be a Karlie Kloss to make enough money to be comfortable.
^ That's only what she's owed though, isn't it? It doesn't account for all her earnings. And Anna J. has been on a bit of a break compared to that comeback where she had like 5 campaigns in a season.

Oh good. :lol:
Claiming the money you worked for is NOT selfish! Every person, in every job should get their money paid.

The 1 million $ "compensation" is a bit "questionable" though...only in America... (I`d like to know what percentage the lawyer will be getting from that total of 3 million dollars in case of winning the case...)

I hope justice is done.
I googled it but didn`t find any outcome of the I smell an out-of-court-settlement here?
The 1 million $ "compensation" is a bit "questionable" though...only in America... (I`d like to know what percentage the lawyer will be getting from that total of 3 million dollars in case of winning the case...)
Yeah okay, blame America when Polish and Estonian models try to get that extra million... :lol: I'm sure they just lost all their morals when they got here or something.

Anyway, I'm with them. Next is a large *business* that will pay attention to a financial loss more than anything else, so hit 'em where it hurts! That money is essentially a fine, not to mention a warning for the future of what can happen if they keep trying to screw over their models' finances. Hopefully Next will be more careful now but who knows. I just wish we could know what they settled for :innocent::evil:
unfortunatelly agencies are the biggest enemies, they treat models like slaves and take much more than the usual comission that they have to get according the contract...I modelled a bit and i know many models who model Internationally, so i heard true stories...agencies only try to ripp you off, they make up so many expencies which are very cheap or cost nothing, but agencies claim lots of money for those "favors" which is actually a part of their job...and 20% comission is very very low...most agencies take 40 or 50%(and the mother agency takes 10% if the model works in another country) and the agencies in Paris take 70%, which is absurd!!!! I call this a theft! And models can never know what the real paychek amount from the client agencies can tell you that you work for 1000$, but it might be a different story. I am sure there are other cases we will never hear about among the big models.

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