Monika "Jac" Jagaciak

I just read about her in the Daily Mail. I felt really bad for her missing out on shooting a Vogue Australia cover.
She's just saying she'll give her a cover :innocent: , but I bet that thought never crossed her mind... :innocent: Some people are just not very fashion forward, you know? :innocent:
Well, I actually wouldn't be surprised if Kirstie gave a cover to a foreign unknown new girl over an Australian girl.
I can't wait to see what she looks like when she is older as she is still a young kitten. Pretty nonetheless but I hope they don't push her to be overtly sexy.
^this is really really beautiful.. i like the whole atmosphere of the ed. ^_^

thanks Bianca :flower:
Monika on the cover of Jalouse:clap::crush:


^ That's great, thank you! And thanks for all the recent eds with Jac :wub: I love how she changes when she's wearing makeup :heart:
She looks magnificent in L'Officiel but her Jalouse cover and editorial are lovely! I love her pose in the last and second last shots! Very cool! Thanks so much :flower:
isnt this over sexual for a 15 years old ..... i honestly love this photos but
i mean if you look it at a general view...what are people outside the industry going to say ?? are we all going to just get too drawn in her beauty and forget to realise she is underage to pose even semi nude and with the whole miley thing going on ...
She's so so so gorgeous but honestly she should keep all her clothes on until she's legal!

It's just not right, I'm sorry.

I don't want to censor anyones art but if these were non-professional pictures of a 15 year old posing like that I doubt any of us would think it was okay!
What's the difference??
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if these were non-professional pictures of a 15 year old posing like that I doubt any of us would think it was okay!
What's the difference??

well said...

anyway She'll be top so why everybody can't wait 2 years? :ninja:
I really don't see a problem here. It's not like she was going to be naked on the runway was she?

And really who else looks at these pictures in these magazines besides women and gay men? Yeah there are perverts out there, and sadly its just part of life (I was almost abducted when I was 10, and have had many experiences with weirdos.) She hasn't posed nude or anything, we see 14 year olds in bathing suits all the time at the beach and pools, whats the difference (besides her posing)?
^I see what you are saying.......
I mean come on...from babies up...beachwear....lots of skin!!

But for modelling at this young age....yes I think the concern really is ALL about the posing!!! There must be more age appropriate jobs for her (IMO).
^I see what you are saying.......
I mean come on...from babies up...beachwear....lots of skin!!

But for modelling at this young age....yes I think the concern really is ALL about the posing!!! There must be more age appropriate jobs for her (IMO).

Thats true. I guess because she doesn't exactly look like a 14 year old, their just like "Hey, why not?"

That's probably why I don't see a problem with it, because I look at her and I see a 20 year old.
Another ed from Jalouse. It's similar to the previous one. She looks incredibly beautiful...but whats with all the leg-spreading poses that are constantly in these Jalouse eds? The semi-toplessness is too much as well. The other pics are all gorgeous though, I love the close-up of her face and the one where she's walking into the water (6). It'll be good to see her shoot with some different photographers and stylists.

Jalouse June 2008

Photographed by Chuando & Frey
Styled by Sebastien Cambos

scanned by Unipine
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