Monika "Jac" Jagaciak

Bravo !!!!!!! Stunning and amazing:heart:. In fact she is still too young but I hope she will stay normal person :flower: she is very talented and her mimiq is really good !
Great covers! I can't believe she is on the cover of practically every December magazine in Singapore :lol:
Great covers! I can't believe she is on the cover of practically every December magazine in Singapore :lol:

Oh my goodness....I saw all the covers but I didn't notice that they were all from December!!! That is just amazing!!

That is some big push for her......a lot of work, and she is so young!!!
Wow those are stunning! I love the Elle and Bazaar covers best! So beautiful!!!
some catalogue from Singapore

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^I like the 1st pic the best:D
............the rest are really nice also!!!
shes soooo pretty. but i still think 13 is too young ):
she should enjoy her childhood, maybe do a FEW jobs/eds, and realy start when shes 15 or 16
^^ Ditto that. 13. :shock: So young. She shouldn't be doing this already... :cry:
is that she?

Question... If she's Polish, why is she so big in Singapore? I just don't quite see a connection there. What happened to making it big in... Milan or Paris or NY? She's with IMG, isn't she?
^ Clearly the editors and photographers in Singapore like her. She was likely sent there to develop her look and portfolio before she hits the big markets, especially given her age. A model's nationality has nothing to do with where their look is best received.
to me
age is just a number
if she wants to be there
na disn't being forced
then good for her
if you got it, you got it.
but i can honestly say, i don't know why they chose her for hermes,
she doesn't really bring anything special to the table.
is she super tall at least?
i guess thats just becos its easier to get away from all the blame for using a 13 year old and meanwhile have good exposures.
japanese always obsess with young age ,not only with girls but also boys,actually almost every young model has sent to tokyo at the begining of their career. and that country singapore....ah..i m chinese and we all say its hard to tell westerner's age,so i guess singaporen feel the same way.if they knew whats going on there probably shocked to death.cos 13 in asia...the girl maybe still needs to be dressed up by mommy every morning...kidding..but not all unture.

sorry about OT.
love those pictures . she got some talent .

They don't really send them there for age but because it's an easier place to make quick $$ and get photos to put in their portfolio. Lots of models head to Japan for a little bit to pay off debts they owe at their NY agencies.

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