Mylène Jampanoï


Active Member
Apr 26, 2005
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She is so gorgeous. I saw her in the Glamour August 2006. Too bad she wasn't on the cover!

what is she, an actress?
i cant say i like her, she reminds me of this 90210 girl whose name i really have no desire to remember. i'd like to see more of her style though.
i love her name. mylene. ^_^ :heart:
According to imdb, she's a French actress. Pretty name, pretty girl. I'd like to see her style.
i'm so glad someone started a mylene thread! i first noticed her in a nylon mag issue from earlier this year. she is half french, half asian (chinese, cambodian maybe?).
correction: the nylon mag issue with mylene may have been from 2005. i think it was the "french" issue with ludivine sagnier on the cover.

based on my impression of the article, mylene is no 90210/shannen doherty type. the article made mylene out to be a fearless, intrepid actress who wasn't afraid to take on tough roles.
Thanks for starting this, I was wondering who she was after seeing her in Glamour, but there seemed to be nothing about her on the net. She's gorgeous, looks very similar to isabelle adjani.

edit: Okay, I'm just an idiot. I was spelling her name wrong. :doh:
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Nylon*, not Nylong.

I found some pictures on her official site,; however, since they're Flash, I couldn't post them. But just go to her site, and click on photos. I also found her bio on her site; can someone please translate?

Mylène naît à Aix en Provence d'un père Chinois et d'une mère Bretonne.

A 14 ans, elle arrête ses études et se lance à l'aventure pour un long voyage autour du monde. Malgré quelques difficultés elle fera escale à Hong Kong, Singapour, New York.

A 17 ans elle rentre en France et décide de passer directement son Bac. Elle l'obtient et repart de nouveau à l'étranger, direction le Canada pour rencontrer son père qu'elle ne connaissait pas.

A son retour en France en 2000, après une année de Droit, elle monte finalement à Paris pour devenir comédienne.

Le 10 septembre 2001, elle trouve dans l'annuaire le nom d'un agent et dépose une photo ainsi qu'un CV.

Son intuition a été bonne puisqu'elle obtient un rendez-vous, puis un casting et ses premiers rôles pour la télé (Détective, Malone, etc.).

Mylène se partage désormais entre le sud de la France et Paris.

En 2002, à st Germain, elle prend des cours aux Ateliers de L'ouest avec Steeve Kalfa. Après une année de théâtre, elle suivra également les cours de Pascal Luneau.

En 2004, elle décroche son premier rôle dans Les rivières Pourpres 2 d'olivier Dahan. Suivront 36 d'Olivier Marchal, le clip de Demon In the Park réalisé par Gabriel Biggs, Cavalcade de Steve Suissa, jusqu'à ce qu'elle obtienne le rôle principal du nouveau film de Nalin Pan, Valley of Flowers.

Elle interprète une héroïne démoniaque qui doit séduire un homme et l'emmener vers l'immortalité.

Mylène s'embarque dans l'aventure sans réellement savoir ce qu'il l'attend, ni vraiment ou elle va. Valley of Flowers, ce sera 4 mois de tournage intense dans L'Himalaya à 5000M d'altitude, mais surtout la rencontre fabuleuse avec l'acteur indien Milind Soman, avec qui elle a un autre projet de Film.

En 2005, à son retour en France, Mylène a la surprise d'être appelée par la productrice Lise Fayolle pour passer un casting. en Chine.

Le réalisateur et écrivain Dai Sijie, qui prépare Les Filles du botaniste, vient d'apprendre qu'il ne pourra pas travailler avec Xun Zhou, sa comédienne de Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise.

Le gouvernement chinois déconseille en effet Xun Zhou de tourner a nouveau avec Dai sijie, en raison du sujet sulfureux du film : une histoire d'amour homosexuelle impossible dans la Chine communiste des années 80.

Mylène obtiendra le rôle et Dai Sijie réadaptera le script pour elle : ses yeux verts, inhabituels pour une chinoise, seront l'héritage d'un père russe.

A son retour elle joue dans Pleure en silence, le premier long métrage de Gabriel Biggs qui l'avait déjà dirigée sur le clip In the Park.

Depuis sa première promo en France elle commence à recevoir des projets et va travailler sur le prochain film de Pascal Laugier. (Pascal Laugier est le réalisateur de Saint Ange.)
Elle sera l'héroïne de ce prochain film avec la très jolie et talentueuse Vahina Gioccante.

Just translated half of this and they signed me out when I tried to post! Argh, so annoying.

It says she was born in Aix en Provence, France from a Chinese father and British mother. She never knew her father really well and traveled to Canada to see him. She traveled around the world starting at 14 years old and then came back to France in 2000 to pursue a career in acting. She was very smart and clever because she always got the leading roles when she auditioned for TV series and soon she was a well known celebrity in France. Later she started taking classes at St. Germian with Steve Kalfa and Pascal Luneau to improve her acting. One of her roles she was a demonique heroine who seduced men into bringing them close to the chance at immortality. When Mylene sets out to do something, she really does it as seen in her movie Valley of the Flowers. Valley of Flowers, was 4 months of intense filming in the Himalayas at 5000 M altitude, but doing that she met Indian actor Milind Soman, with whom she did another film project with later. In 2005, in her return to France, Mylène was surprised to be called by the producer Lise Fayolle to come to a casting, in China. She worked on the film set in China by writer Dai Sijie entitled The Chinese Botonist's Daughters in which she plays the female lead. Dai Sijie even adapted the character to suit her appearence.

When she came back she put out Pleure En Silence..As soon as her promo premiered in France, she began to recieve projects and jumped into starting her next film by Pascal Laugier. (Pascal Laugier was the creator of the film Saint Ange.)
Mylene is the heroine of the next film with the very beautiful and talented Vahina Gioccante.

I know there is alot missing but I translated the just of it b/c I'm at work and I'm procrastinating! That's all for now lovlies.
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Thanks, shoexgal! I couldn't have taken long enough to do that now, could I haha? Karma. Any more pictures?
I scanned finally scanned in the article I was talking about in posts #4 & 5. It's from Nylon October 2005. Enjoy!
pretty picture


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She's gorgeous in that really quirky, wild way...if that makes sense.

Here's some more of her I found (creds to soompi)




A poster of her film
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More of her (same source as above)





Movie poster of The Chinese Botanist's Daughters (she's on the bottom)

I just watched her in The Chinese Botanist's Daughters and she was just amazing! Really talented actress that loves challenges.

More pictures of her. I love her eyes.






Cine Live magazine

Glamour magazine





mylene official website
Wow! She has a thread!:woot:

I had never heard or seen this girl until I was browsing Crash magazine and she had an editorial ( I'll see if I can find it :(flower:

I really like the look of Mylene, unusual but nonetheless beautiful :heart:

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