Myspace skins party £20,000 worth of damage to house.

Dec 1, 2004
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Its beyond me why this girl did this i even got bulletins about it so glad no one convinced me to go:ninja:

Publisher: Jon Land
Published: 13/04/2007 - 23:45:25 PM Printable version
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17-year-old girl arrested over
MySpace house party damage
(Pic: PA)
Relevant News
  1. 'My home has been raped', says MySpace party girl's mother
  2. House trashed as 'MySpace party' spirals out of control
A 17-year-old girl has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage in connection with the MySpace house party in which a £230,000 family home was trashed, police said.
The teenage girl has been questioned and released by police investigating an alleged £20,000 wrecking spree at the four-bedroomed detached house.
Around 200 youngsters turned up at the house after a 'Skins' party was advertised on 17-year-old Rachael Bell's MySpace website.
The sixth-form student has since said someone altered the invitation to attract hundreds of young revellers to the family home in Chipchase Court, Woodstone Village, in County Durham.
The party-goers caused mayhem during a wrecking spree in which seven police cars and a dog unit were called to the quiet cul-de-sac.
During the bedlam Rachael said she suffered a panic attack and unwanted revellers were climbing through windows in a bid to gatecrash the out-of-control bash.
Still too ashamed to face her parents she told the Sunderland Echo: "I totally regret it.
"It was just supposed to be a party with a few friends and it turned into a complete nightmare. I'm sorry mam.
"It was so surreal - it still seems surreal. You just can't imagine anything like it happening.
"I still haven't properly slept, I just keep waking up and thinking about what happened."
The sixth-form student said class mates hacked into her MySpace internet site and invited teenagers from across the country to an all-night party in the quiet suburban street.
She added: "It was just supposed to be a small gathering with about 60 people - my friends are DJs and said they'd play.
"The party wasn't supposed to start until 10 o'clock, but at half nine we saw people pulling up in cars.
"We didn't recognise them and didn't know what was going on so we bolted the door - but they just started climbing through the window."
"We heard people at school talking about gatecrashing a party, but we didn't think it would be ours - we didn't think anyone would want to come.
"There were even 11-year-olds trying to get in.
"I just had a panic attack because of everything that was going on, just because I was so powerless to stop it."
Her distraught mother Elaine today said her life had been turned upside down and wants whoever ransacked her house to be prosecuted.
The mother-of-four was close to tears as she spoke about how the incident was tearing her family apart and how she now has grave fears about her daughter's well-being.
The 48-year-old teacher returned from a short caravan break to find her home trashed and Rachael in hiding.
The devastated mother whose last words to her daughter were "I don't want any kids or drink in the house" said it felt as if her 'house had been raped' when she viewed the wanton damage.
She and her shamed daughter have spoken about the wild Easter Monday party but Rachael is lying low while her mother, and estranged husband, Alan also 48, come to terms with the incident.
Speaking to the Press Association after the incident she said: "It's worse than a burglary, I can't believe it.
"Whoever has come in here are worse than animals, it's like house r*pe.
"They've been sick everywhere, urinated and trashed the house.
"It will take a month for it to be professionally cleaned and we are having to stay in temporary accommodation."
Mrs Bell and her three other children have been staying with friends and relatives but are today moving to a hotel until rented accommodation can be found.
The party had appeared on Rachael's website labelled Easter Monday Bash Skins Unofficial Party - a reference to the controversial Channel 4 series which featured scenes where a teenage get-together got out of hand.
It was subtitled 'Let's trash the average family-sized house disco party'.
Gatecrashers ransacked the home with clothes, furniture and bedding ruined and strewn across the rooms.
Mrs Bell's wedding dress had also been pulled from a wardrobe and urinated on.
Revellers had vomited in plastic buckets and left them in rooms while lager cans and cigarette ends were littered throughout the house.
Mr Bell told the Press Association yesterday: "The wedding dress had been hanging up for 20 years and it's been pulled out and urinated on.
"They've pulled light fittings from the ceiling and I can't believe someone would come in and do something like this.
"There's cigarette burns on furniture and mattresses and it's a wonder they haven't burnt the house down."
A spokesman for Durham police tonight confirmed a 17-year-old girl had been arrested in connection with the incident and had been bailed after questioning.
Copyright Press Association 2007.
It did? It made me feel like crap just reading it to be honest. You ever been burgled? It's one of the worst feelings in the world.
They've been sick everywhere, urinated and trashed the house.
That's disgusting... :ew:

Some people are so ignorant and stupid... and Myspace? A party invitation? :rolleyes:
misssakura said:
It did? It made me feel like crap just reading it to be honest. You ever been burgled? It's one of the worst feelings in the world.
Well it's harsh but if you live in a village in County Durham, you pretty much have it coming to you that your 2.4 children will turn out to be party-animal drug-fiends and trash your double-garage detached. Everyone I know from County Durham is a complete mentalist. I guess it's karma for the fact that nobody ever does get burgled around there...
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misssakura said:
It did? It made me feel like crap just reading it to be honest. You ever been burgled? It's one of the worst feelings in the world.

i cant say i've ever been burgled but you cant really say its the same thing she invited people and she stupidly posted it on myspace which was a bad move. It was planned and all her fault, yes she might live in county durham but its easy as pie to get there from Newcastle.

I have no sympathy for her.
Sorry when I first read it I got the impression that she did a friends only bulletin and then her friends changed it so that it was publicly inviting everyone.
I just feel really bad for the parents. And even if it is really stupid to post something like that on myspace or wherever I still find it disturbing that people deliberatly would wreck someone's house like that :(
Wow. I have a feeling she'll be grounded for a little while. (They do do that in England, right?)
As her parents are taking her to court, I think it's gone a little beyond the point where grounding is an option.
Taking her to court...? It's not like they could get any money from her...
^I agree. I don't see how a court could settle anything really.
Vandalism is against the law. If her parents want to take her court... that's up to them. She would be imprisoned for under 60 days if her parents won.
But would they win if the vandalism wasn't done by her? I mean she didn't directly do the damage and she didn't make the invite public either....

Maybe she'll get community service or something.

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