Natalia Semanova

Elle07 said:
Ooh, I wonder what designer it is?! Good to know...I'll keep a look out. I wonder if Natasha is very well known/popular in Russia? I want to go there someday soo very bad. I'm studying Russian right now as a matter of fact :)
when I go there again, I'll try to remember it or better to write and save in moblile phone. No, she is not popular here, people are not very interested in models
i remember once a journalist asked her what happens when she goes to moscow, if she was incredible famous there, ok, it was a short interview from the model moment segment of fashion file, here´s the transcription:

Tim blanks:t.
Natalia: N.

(New York, February 2000).

T: Natalia, how many years you´ve been modeling now?.
N: 5 years, a long time (giggles).
T: and how did it all start for you?.
N: it was a contest in Russia, Elite model looks, so my friend, my best friend, she was, she was like, "let´s call, let´s try", and just, that´s how it happened.
T: What would have happened to you if you would have stayed it Russia?.
N: Well, i was at school, i was a little girl, like 15 years old, now im 20, and ehmm... i really don´t know, i´m happy with what i´m doing here, so i´m happy i´m here.
T: How often you go back?.
N: As often as i can, because i live in Paris, so it´s 3 hours by plain, it´s not so far.
T: Are you incredibly famous in Russia, say when you walk by the streets in Moscow, what happens?.
N: Actually nothing, nothing happens, i just, when i go home i just spend time with my parents, i´m not really..., i never go out in Russia, i´m a very quiet
T: what do people think you represent, you know, photographers and designers, you think you are exotic, you think you are misterious, do you think, what do you think it is, sexy?.
N: Well i can´t really say i´m sexy but, it´s erm..., like in every show i´m different i think, i mean, i´m triying to be different but, it´s just me, it´s myself (giggles).
T: what´s next?.
N: what´s next? (puzzle tone of voice), Milan, shows in Milan (giggles).
T: Oh, that´s next week, i mean what would you do next in your life do you think?.
N: I´m gonna stay in this bussines for a little while, i´m gonna see how its gona go but if not i wanna study, i wanna learn french first of all, italian and do something.
T: and enjoy your wonderlfull life.
N: exactly!.
^ Thanks for that, mate! ;)

Natashen'ka, if you read this, I'd be more than happy to teach you italian language...:D ^_^ ;)
mariemaud said:
I've found this one..........
Is that her?
In case it is and if u don't have it there, there is the whole serie...:heart:

same source

It is her. I'm pretty sure...;)

And it's a very nice pic ! :flower:
Pashen'ka said:
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: no need to :brows: too much, I already knew that pic...:lol: :blush: :p

(btw, I remember her saying in an interview that she's quite shy and she's not very comfortable with transparent surprise that she was, like, the only one in that book who didn't do full frontal...:( :blush: :p)

Actually, she did full frontals on few occasions...;)

#194 - love that pic ! ^_^ Thanks, Pashen'ka and oolie coco ! :flower:
^ ;) :flower:

(sorry for the "maniacal" question :blush: :p, "full frontal" do you mean complete nakedness or just topless? 'cause I don't remember any other completely naked pics of her except the one for Roversi's book...:unsure:...)

Well done, valleyofdolls! :clap: ;)

...and thanks for the vid, Sweet rus! :flower:
#196, #197

New Polaroids

Now, that's something interesting ! She does look different, but I freaken love her new look !!! :woot: And I love her blond hair (though, I must say that when she had short black and medium red hair, I loved that too...:lol:). She is one of those women, who will look good with just any color...

Also, if these polaroids are truly new, that means she's making a come back, which I'm absolutely thrilled about... :woot: If there could be only one model I could get back that would probably be Natalia... (Renata Maciel is a whole different story, though...)

And, I must say she's one of those women, who only look better and better as they age (well, I'm not saying she's old or something, but you know the modeling biz... they like 'em young...) And that, if you ask me, is what a true beauty is... I mean, anyone can be beautiful at 17, but way not everyone remains so at 20+...

By the way, does anyone know when exactly those polaroids were issued ?
Pashen'ka said:
^ ;) :flower:

(sorry for the "maniacal" question :blush: :p, "full frontal" do you mean complete nakedness or just topless? 'cause I don't remember any other completely naked pics of her except the one for Roversi's book...:unsure:...)

Yeah, I meant topless...

valleyofdolls said:

Great ads ! Except for that I'm having trouble identifying which one is Natalia in the second one...:rolleyes: My guess is that she's the one in the middle... :unsure: Am I right ?


In that interview she says:

I´m gonna stay in this bussines for a little while, i´m gonna see how its gona go but if not i wanna study, i wanna learn french first of all, italian and do something.

How come she couldn't yet speak French if she had been living in Paris for something like four years by that time ??? :unsure:
There was a video of her I posted earlier in this thread, and it shows that her English is not very good... Not as good as I expected, at least... So, I assumed that's because she speaks French all the time...

But, anyways... Now when she's married to a French, she obviously speaks French really well, but even if she didn't... I wouldn't love her any less...;)
Alright, let's see what I've got... B)

Elle (US) August 2002
Asia Major
Photography by Cliff Watts

^ really like those...

source: bwgreyscale
fashionkitten7 said:

Great ads ! Except for that I'm having trouble identifying which one is Natalia in the second one...:rolleyes: My guess is that she's the one in the middle... :unsure: Am I right ?

Yep! ^_^ (the girl on the left is Tasha Tilberg ;))


In that interview she says:

I´m gonna stay in this bussines for a little while, i´m gonna see how its gona go but if not i wanna study, i wanna learn french first of all, italian and do something.

How come she couldn't yet speak French if she had been living in Paris for something like four years by that time ??? :unsure:
There was a video of her I posted earlier in this thread, and it shows that her English is not very good... Not as good as I expected, at least... So, I assumed that's because she speaks French all the time...

Well, maybe she just meant that she intended to learn to speak more fluently in french...:unsure:
Also, she really looked like a very quiet girl (I mean, not at all the party-addict type...:p), and iirc she also used to go back to Moscow frequently, so that could help explaining why she wasn't so fluent in foreign languages (not to speak of the fact that, considered the peculiarities of russian language, it's more difficult for a russian to learn foreign languages, than it is, say, for an italian to learn french or for a dutch to learn english...;))

But, anyways... Now when she's married to a French, she obviously speaks French really well, but even if she didn't... I wouldn't love her any less...;)

Yay! :clap: :D :flower:
fashionkitten7 said:
Sorry for so many posts in a row, if it happens to be annoying for someone...:blush: ;)

Quite the opposite...go on posting, sweetie! :clap: Let's flood Natasha's thread with pics & infos! ^_^ ;) :flower:
today I finally looked and remembered what brad she is representing. She is standing next to the car and the left corner it's written Tinen

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