Natalia Semanova

Ooh, and also...for those of you in the U.S. Town&Country magazine has Natasha's Patek Philipe ad in it.
Pashen'ka said:
Well, maybe she just meant that she intended to learn to speak more fluently in french...:unsure:
Also, she really looked like a very quiet girl (I mean, not at all the party-addict type...:p), and iirc she also used to go back to Moscow frequently, so that could help explaining why she wasn't so fluent in foreign languages (not to speak of the fact that, considered the peculiarities of russian language, it's more difficult for a russian to learn foreign languages, than it is, say, for an italian to learn french or for a dutch to learn english...;))

I didn't mean to say that she was stupid or something... Actually, I was just making random comments on that article... Anything that came to mind as I read it...

I'm sure that having a nice personality and being a good person is what matters above any foreign language skills or education in general (recalling my own total lack of education :p :blush:).
And, I'm sure Natalia is like that - nice and a good person.

Also, I agree that an ability to pick a language fastly is strongly related to confidence. I witnessed it many times - confident kids would pick conversational skills right off, while the less confident ones would struggle for longer, though they're often more intelligent in general. Confidence often comes along with ignorance and selfishness (though, thankfully not always).

Pashen'ka said:
Quite the opposite...go on posting, sweetie! :clap: Let's flood Natasha's thread with pics & infos! ^_^ ;) :flower:

I'd love to, but it looks like everything I had has already been posted here, by valleyofdolls, mostly. But, whenever I get my hands on something new, I'll be here posting it the very next moment. ;)

P.S. Thanks for the karma. :flower:
fashionkitten7 said:
I didn't mean to say that she was stupid or something... Actually, I was just making random comments on that article... Anything that came to mind as I read it...

:blush: Don't worry, I never thought that you were thinking anything bad, sweetie...:blush: ;)

I'd love to, but it looks like everything I had has already been posted here, by valleyofdolls, mostly. But, whenever I get my hands on something new, I'll be here posting it the very next moment...

All right, I'll post something then...:D


P.S. Thanks for the karma.

:winkiss: :flower:
Pashen'ka said:
:blush: Don't worry, I never thought that you were thinking anything bad, sweetie...:blush: ;)

Yeah, but don't overrate me, pls...;) I think all sorts of things, I just don't always voice them. I'm no angel.:ninja:

Talking about Natalia, once again, I read a couple of other interviews with her and I think she's a very intelligent girl.

All right, I'll post something then...:D

Those are new to me... Some of them, I would say, are the best pics of her I've ever seen...


God, she's soooo beautiful !!! ^_^ :heart:

And, she's got killer legs...
Elle07 said:
Hey, great pics! Do you know what year they are from?

I think the four bigger thumbs at the top must be very early stuff as well as the middle pic at the bottom... The one on the right at the middle row looks like a later one... But, let's better wait for Pashen'ka, he must know better...B) ;)
I'm having a trouble recognizing Natalia once again... In the pic in the below left she must be the one who's face is taking more place in the pic (don't know how to put it better...) ? :unsure: I would have never thought it was her...
fashionkitten7 said:
I think the four bigger thumbs at the top must be very early stuff as well as the middle pic at the bottom... The one on the right at the middle row looks like a later one... But, let's better wait for Pashen'ka, he must know better...B) ;)

They're all from a german Marie Claire ed, published in september '99 ;)
fashionkitten7 said:
I'm having a trouble recognizing Natalia once again... In the pic in the below left she must be the one who's face is taking more place in the pic (don't know how to put it better...) ? :unsure: I would have never thought it was her...

Yep, that's her...^_^

Like other great models, she's always been quite chamaleontic...:D :flower:
Elle, those are lovely images, but you have to state the source of the images (website and/or photographer) or they will be removed.

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