I have commented in the past on the thread of another model, how that model has lost her "glow" in my opinion. On the flip side, both Magda and Natasha in particular, have just grown stella in glow terms in the past 8 months

Both in "work" and out, there is a self confidence, a beautiful love and fun of life and yes love

Modelling may be to some extent putting on an act but those that have such a glow inside, light up the lens! Natasha has always been a hard worker, so professional, with humility and thoughtfulness and such a genuinely lovely person. It is beautiful to see her so happy and so successful!
I believe it is good to be able to say a model is a model in more than just the fashion way one way, don’t you agree?
More campaigns will be coming for sure- but wishing her also her more cat time, more hubby time and one day, baby time too
A superb “model”.