New Book About Kate Moss

kragirl about the hunter s thompson thing, i really do not think he was serious. Dr. thompson has a dark sense of humor, and i'm almost positive that he was completly and totally kidding/testing johnny depp and for them fleeing his compound, he blows things up all the time, and i think that was dramaticized by the author of this book as short i kinda think that most of the stuff in there is blow out of proportion as a way of selling more books..afterall not that many people would want to read about a model with a perfectly normal life...
I've heard that all, not really surprising I ahve to say, but I'm jaded may be.
i just read the book. it does not paint a bad image of kate, despite the cover photo and the slaggish quotes about her on the back.
however, all the information is trite - if you have read interviews of kate in magazines suchs as "the face" and "vogue," then none of the info in the book will be new. magazine interviews are basically the sole sources for the book.
the pictures are runway and paparazzi photos that we have all seen.
i would not recommend buying the book unless you are a collector of all kate things, like me.
thanks for the feedback!

in my opinion, whether the stories she writes about are true or false, it intrigues me how many fans turn out to be... they're so obsessed with the celebrity they admire, they end up disappointed (they have "i can't be like her" or "she'll never appreciate what i'm doing for her" thoughts...) and usually hate her so much they feel the need to make the world "realise" what a horrible person she is etc. i don't know the author of the book, but if i'm not mistaken kate-site was full of pictures: from advertising campaigns of every year to monthly magazine scans -how many hours must she have spent doing that? i feel she got fed up with "working for free" for kate and now wants to make an easy profit. and to be honest, what is she going to say about kate that will create a scandal? that she drinks too much? she had sex at a young age? big deal, it's kate moss we're talking about, not jessica simpson :rolleyes:
MissP said:
and to be honest, what is she going to say about kate that will create a scandal? that she drinks too much? she had sex at a young age? big deal, it's kate moss we're talking about, not jessica simpson :rolleyes:
:D ....or paris hilton, for that matter!
MissP said:
and to be honest, what is she going to say about kate that will create a scandal? that she drinks too much? she had sex at a young age?
the thing is, the book is all true because it all came from kate's mouth, in interviews. she herself admitted that she lost her virginity in the bahamas at 14 and that she drank a bottle of whiskey with some girl and passed out and went missing for 3 days in paris when she was 15.
kate #1

kate is the best of the 90s supes & paved the way for today's distinctive birds.

everything about her is hot.
lunabella said:
the thing is, the book is all true because it all came from kate's mouth, in interviews. she herself admitted that she lost her virginity in the bahamas at 14 and that she drank a bottle of whiskey with some girl and passed out and went missing for 3 days in paris when she was 15.
i´m not saying it´s not true
i´m saying we already knew about kate´s life and it´s not going to cause a a stir i.e. more publicity for the book :p
I bought this and it's a fast read. One night and done. It was a good book but as a Kate fan I knew pretty much everything already said in the book. The one thing I was surprised about was how Depp got Paradis pregnant so quickly after the Kate breakup and I do believe he may have gone back to Kate had this not happened. Just my opinion.
LadyChloe said:
I bought this and it's a fast read. One night and done. It was a good book but as a Kate fan I knew pretty much everything already said in the book. .

that was my reaction too... I returned it to the book store the next day since it wasn't worth it at all. also the photos used were really poor.
but it's a good intro for someone who doesn't know a lot about her
tastes_like_chic said:
What a way to make a quick buck... right off the back of the recent scandal.

actually this is an old thread and the book was releasd about a year ago... there is no inclusion of the scandal at all :flower:
Kate Moss Facts

To everyone who is interested, I have the REAL facts. I am doing a cover story for a British magazine and contacted Storm Models-Kate's modelling agency and they gave me the REAL details, not FALSE rumors. Read on if you wish...
Kate lost the following contracts back in 2005:
Gloria Vanderbilt-£200,000
H Stern-£150,000
Rimmel London cosmetics, Dior and YSL have ALL decided to keep Kate on until her contracts expire in late 2007.
Since the scandal, Kate Moss has signed the following contracts:
Virgin Mobiles UK-£1 Million
Roberto Cavalli-£650,000
Stella McCartney-£450,000
Most recently, Kate has signed a £1.5 Million contract with Sir Richard Branson to release an official autobiography in the fall of 2006.
Kate Moss earned around £4 Million per year, but since the scandal, Kate is of course earning a lot less, however in 1 year or so her salary is expected to jump upto £1 Million per contract.
According to my source; Chanel, Burberry & H&M are all kicking themselves for dropping her, as Kate is making these new companies huge profits. Why? It's all down to the popularity of the model and Kate Moss is popular. Chanel have even contacted her model agency and are 'in talks' with Kate to front women's ready-to-wear from January 2007 for 3 years. The figure that has been offered is believed to be in the region of £1.8 Million-a huge difference from Kate's previous £750k!
LadyChloe said:
I bought this and it's a fast read. One night and done. It was a good book but as a Kate fan I knew pretty much everything already said in the book. The one thing I was surprised about was how Depp got Paradis pregnant so quickly after the Kate breakup and I do believe he may have gone back to Kate had this not happened. Just my opinion.
Agreed. I'm happy to find someone else who thinks that Johnny would've gone back to Kate, I thought I was the only one...

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