Thank you to those who came up with 'Penis' and 'Parasite' Hilton,

hilarious stuff. Anyway, yeah, I thought there had been other racist videos, and we should have known better by now, they are truly philistine trash. I really can't for the life of me grasp who in their right mind would pay more for some sh*tty condo just because it's called 'Nicky O'. Are people really so brainwashed that they think... what, it will be glamorous because some desperate greedy developer paid Nicky for her name? Who, who would get excited about that? I genuinely don't understand the appeal. I can barely stand the Trite-Trumps, but at least that girl went to school, and maybe has a little more than just BS in her head, (key word - maybe).
Reading stories about any of these people makes me depressed, and concerned about the human race. If these are the idols of a lot of people, especially my age, young people, I just wonder where we are going. Then I read TFS, and it makes me feel better. There are so many smart, clever people out there, who definitely aren't fooled by self obsessed dimwits, that it gives me hope. Maybe these people are 'popular' only because they have tons of PR people putting them in your face, creating the interest out of thin air. Instead of them actually being enjoyed or sought after. Here's hoping that few people are fooled by these trolls, and instead take their icon with a pinch of genuine creativity or intelligence.