I saw x men today and what a pleasant surprise I got when I saw omahyra traipsing onto the behind magneto... her face projected across a 17 feet stretch of screen and not one single goddamn spot ..... b****
but I forgive her as she was such a fantastic bad-*** biatch
Highlight of the whole ruddy film definitely
Before I saw the film, I was a little hazy about her appeal, but now I totally see it
Definitely best character! Eat your heart out Famke Jansson
although I have to say, I'm a little unclear as to her power? She did a dophin-fin-clap thing a couple of times and all the plastic toy guns shattered, but not the humans
so I don't know what power she was supposed to have. Special polymer-controlling abilities perhaps?
In fact, I was unclear about the plot of the whole film as it's not clear what wolverin (sp?), storm and the 4 others were fighting for, against magneto?
I mean the government is using the "cure" to wipe out the entire mutant race, surely it'd be silly to fight for the human side to support the use of the cure?