Pania Rose

Pania's figure is ridiculous. She's so lithe and petite but still has a curvy, feminine shape. Some girls have all the luck. -_- Not to mention very pretty. Why isn't she doing more runway shows? She's certainly slim and tall enough.
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I think that she would shut doen the show with her hotness, and everyone would focus on her and not the clothes, so it wouldn't be fair for her to do fashion week. Too many models might get jealous:p
:clap::woot: ooooo I love it :heart:

Thanks again, Matt, see I'm out of reputation to give you now! :lol::(

I love her freckles!!!
I know this sounds random but does anyone know if Pania has been in a jello commercial? I swear I saw someone that looks like her.
She did a few shows for the 2004 S/S season....I can't remember which ones. One designer had a circus sideshow theme and Pania was a part of one of the acts.

Yeah, she wrote about her fashion week experiences for the NY Times -

...At the last minute I'm cast in my third show for the day - for designer Jeremy Scott. I'd heard some people at the agency commenting that the first of his three shows was a bit out-there, so I'm interested to see what it's all about.

When I get to the gallery where the show is being held, there are podiums set up with huge posters announcing, "Jeremy Scott's Sexibition. Live peep shows." I immediately feel uncomfortable. The concept, though controversial, doesn't bother me. The fact I may have to pole dance does.

Backstage, the girls around me seem unfazed but I sense they are concealing their terror. The production manager assures me that my role is "passive", whatever that means. Just breathe. My outfit is very revealing. I think my corset is actually a mini saddle, but I figure that once my hair and make-up are done, I'll just step into character and find the confidence to pull it off.

By the time we're guided to our spots for the show to begin, a few models have walked out. At this stage, I'm still trying to be professional and optimistic. The show begins and people wander around my booth as I kneel in hay and try to be "provocative" as briefed. But 15 minutes into the hour-long show I just feel degraded. My knees are bleeding, my top isn't staying up and I feel ridiculous. I desperately want to walk out but my window of opportunity has closed. I stay and swear that the next time some ego-tripping designer wants to get attention using shock tactics, I won't be there.
sensible and down to earth girl.

such a great credit to Aussieland..

i only wish she did more work- but i guess she's just too pretty, and not so extreme.
I saw Pania and her husband, Thadeus yesterday out the front of the Fremantle markets. they were both watching a street performer. It was strange seeing her in person. She is not as tall as I imagined and she is tiny!!

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