Penelope Cruz Is Pregnant!

Congratulations to the happy family and welcome to the little one!:blush:

congrats to Penélope and Javier!! I'm happy for them
Congrats to the couple! Such a beautiful and talented couple!!! I wish their children would inherit all the best from the parents!!! And I really really wish Penelope would return very very soon to the big screen and would continue to amaze us with her brilliant performances! And all the best to her gorgeous husband as well!!!
It's A Niño For Penny Cruz & Javier Bardem


Hola! Magazine (all news should come from Hola! Magazine) says that Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem said HOLAS! to their brand new baby boy at Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills, CA on Sábado. Penny and Javier have yet to say if this is true or not, so we don't have a name (I'm pulling for Charo or Cristobal or Peenelope) or any other details. We'll really know it's true when Salma Hayek starts lactating, because her chichis always bring the leche when one of her friends gives birth. You know, just in case.

Because everything is better in Spanish, here's the story from Hola!. Just nod like me when my tia spits out Spanish like she just injected a chili infused speedball directly into her tongue.

El pequeño vino al mundo el pasado sábado en un hospital de Los Ángeles

El primer hijo de Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem ha sido un niño y vino al mundo el pasado sábado en el centro médico Cedars-Sinai de Beverly Hills, Estados Unidos. El pequeño, del que aún no ha trascendido su nombre, llegó al mundo entre la alegría y la emoción de sus padres y el cariño de ambas familias, que quisieron estas al lado de la pareja de oscarizados actores en un momento tan importante. La semana no ha podido ser mejor para el actor español que el sábado se convirtió en padre y ayer se anunció su nominación al Oscar como mejor actor por su papel en la película Biutiful.

And this is where you just type, "Ummmm....SI!" The Rosetta Stone cell in my brain tells me that the article from Hola! talks about his Oscar nomination for Biutiful. Javier became a new dad and received an Oscar nom in the span of 4 days, so some of you might be thinking that he's having the best week ever. Yeah, I don't really see it that way. The 10-piece luggage set under Javier's eyes is about to become a 20-piece set thanks to his baby crying at all hours of the night like Vanilla Sky is playing on a loop on his nursery ceiling. And then Javier finds out that in a few weeks, he'll have to dab some concealer on his 20-piece luggage set and sit through a 300-hour long ceremony. Yeah, so...that being said, FELICIDADES to Javier and Penny!!!!!! (I just really wanted to type FELICIDADES!!!!!!).
Besides, I don't think a mother can support their (first!) child emotionally and pyschically that well when you're so far in your thirties or fourties. I'm not saying it's wrong to have children that late or mothers that old are always worse mothers, but that's what's the case here very often.

Well I would say it's totally the opposite. All the women I know who had children in their late 30s/early 40s actually never had such issues with their children, maybe because they're wiser, they can handle things better, having a child at that age is harder since fertility declines so they're all the more thankful to have a baby,etc. And conversely those who I know who had children in their 20s had much more problems, some still wanted to enjoy their youth, etc. But then both our opinions are hard to prove because it's just based on hearsay, I think how you handle motherhood is more a matter of character, and personal experience.

Now medically speaking the risk of complications is indeed a higher in the late 30s, but I find it a bit harsh though to call it immoral, although I can understand people who don't want to have babies after a certain age. I'm personnally glad that my mother didn't think this way otherwise I wouldn't be here :p, she had me at 39, a completely healthy baby, and I have a perfect relationship with her.

No sorry for this digression and congrats to Penelope and Javier :flower:
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this baby will take over the earth with its face alone

Besides, I don't think a mother can support their (first!) child emotionally and pyschically that well when you're so far in your thirties or fourties. I'm not saying it's wrong to have children that late or mothers that old are always worse mothers, but that's what's the case here very often.

My mom was 33 and my dad was 37 and I'm glad they waited, they were much wiser and more stable than if they had done it earlier :)
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Is Penélope Cruz & Javier Bardem's Son Named Leo?

It was a slip of the tongue, but a friend of Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem may have announced their newborn's name to the world.

The couple have remained mum about their new son's name since Cruz gave birth in Los Angeles on Jan. 22. However, Spanish film director Santiago Segura referred to the baby as "Leo" when chastising a group of reporters, according to Spanish media reports.

"I know what you want and you don't understand why they don't come running to show off the baby and say, 'Look, here's Leo,' " Segura reportedly told reporters when discussing the press-shy couple.
When pressed about the name, Segura reportedly replied, "Yeah, Leo. I think so. That's what I think I heard. But they haven't said anything."

The Spanish lovebirds quietly married last July and are notoriously private.

Reps for the actors were not immediately available for comment.

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