Perfect #03 F/W 2022.23

Anyone know where I can find this issue in Paris? A very good newsstand? this the real Bryanboy posting?...
Thank you. Do you know if I can find in December?

Depends on how fast the issues sell out. Perhaps you can ask a friend to buy for you? We expect the books to be delivered there third week of September during Paris fashion week…
Yes, someone stole my username so I used my dog’s name

Oh i see! thanks for the answer,welcome back!It was good to read about the politics of the process to making the magazine because sometimes it can look certain way from the outside when in reality there is a lot of factor to take in consideration to make a decision of what we see on the bookstores.

So the previous issues are available somewhere?
Gisele looks stunning obviously. But can’t help but be reminded of an under water ANTM shoot.
Gisele is often photographed so one dimensionality, so it's always great to see doing shoots like this where she can flex that model muscle.
I get that it’s Gisele and that’s enough for some to sell this. But the execution is rather a sloppy mess, and would get a tongue-lashing from Tyra for how amateur it looks if one of her hamsters were a part of this back in 2005. Where is the fashion? Where is the grace? She looks like she got dunked at the local fairground… (And if you’re going to be bag-hustling, do it so that it fits in seamlessly with the concept.)
Theatrical!! Just sublime. Even for someone who sometimes thinks Gisele is overrated, this is breathtaking. Wow!
Very Sophie Delaporte through an East Asian cinematic sensibility. Yes from me! :heart: and love Gisele always. Glad she’s coming back to where she belongs, not some dirty football field and barbecues, lol.

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