Polaroid to End Instant Film Production

I hope so, but i think Fuji should make a film that would be compatible with the 600 and Spectra cameras for us little people...
UGH! Honestly, I have way too much childhood memories in Polaroids. Dressing up in ridiculous outfits.. taking pictures ... hanging them on our wall like we were the sh*t ..!:p:heart:

Those were the times! :innocent:
I :heart: polaroid pictures, there is something about them that hold a sentimental value.

Thanks for the articles MMA!
I still can't believe this.
Why ?! Now I won't be able to use my awesome Spice Girls polaroid camera ever again! :cry:
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the Fuji Instax 7s? Please don't buy it for the absolutely ridiculous amount on Urban Outfitters ($130?! First the Diana and Holga for $50 and now this, those people (Lomo & UO) make me want to scream bloody murder at them :angry::angry:). I've seen it online for much much less. Its more of a toy camera but looks like a good sub for people who just want to tote a round a little instant film camera. Anyone have it?
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I have a polaroid!!!! im gonna get film and get all retro and take "casting photos" of me and my friends for my white wall in my studio ah yes

dont you just love the waving about before the image appears!
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the Fuji Instax 7s? Please don't buy it for the absolutely ridiculous amount on Urban Outfitters ($130?! First the Diana and Holga for $50 and now this, those people (Lomo & UO) make me want to scream bloody murder at them :angry::angry:). I've seen it online for much much less. Its more of a toy camera but looks like a good sub for people who just want to tote a round a little instant film camera. Anyone have it?

I have the instax camera and film...i love it! (but then again i work at UO so i get a discount)
I got a new 600 last easter and have a reserve of 90 photos, i buy a pack of 10 for 17.99 anytime i have the extra money
i ordered a bunch of film from that site a few months ago...im saving..but still using it sparingly..
if this is legit i'm going to be so excited!! :woot:

Smile! Polaroid is saved
Source: independent.co.uk/

A businessman plans to rescue the abandoned format for the sake of art. Emily Dugan reports.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

For a generation, the Polaroid camera gave near-instant pleasure to millions of users around the world, chronicling everything from births and weddings to the downright explicit. But when digital photography came along in the 1990s – with instant images and the ability to edit and delete pictures before they see the light of day – Polaroid was doomed, its iconic white-framed snaps apparently defunct.

When Polaroid announced last February that it would stop production of its instant film, it seemed the much-loved camera was gone forever. But within weeks, a group of users had started a global campaign for the format to return. And now, thanks to an unlikely saviour, their pleas have been heard.

If all goes to plan, the Polaroid factory in Enschede, Amsterdam, will soon be making film again thanks to its new owner, an eccentric Austrian artist and businessman named Florian Kaps. Mr Kaps, 39, has dedicated the past five years to instant photography. He set up Polanoid.net, the biggest Polaroid gallery on the web, and the first ever Polaroid-only art gallery in Vienna, called Polanoir.

Now he plans to save the film. "The project is more than a business plan; it's a fight against the idea that everything has to die when it doesn't create turnover," said Mr Kaps.

Dubbed "The Impossible Project", the development of new film for Polaroid cameras launches today. Working with the Manchester-based black and white photography company Ilford, the machinery is in place to produce film of two exposure types, each compatible with both the classic SX-70 cameras popular with artists and the more modern 600 series.

Work has begun on a prototype. By hiring 11 of the original Polaroid team from the factory floor, Mr Kaps aims to mass produce both colour and black and white film under the Impossible label by December, coinciding with the projected date that existing stocks will run out.
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Thank you for the article, ragtag. This sounds like great news!!

I just edited it to add the source of where you copied this from and remove the link, per the Communty Rules and the new Crediting Rules (no links please).
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I owe him my life! :p
What he's doing is so inspiring! If anyone has to "revive" the polaroid business, i'm glad someone who is so passionate about polaroid, like him, is doing it and not solely for the sake of money.
Of course if this news were true.
I think I'm finally going to get an Polaroid camera just to support that project when it fruits. Thumbs up.
im so slow learning about this news:ninja:

i just heard about it today, thank god there are still mad artists in this world willing to buy factories, equiptment and take the time to keep this instant film going.

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